Seperation and Preparation (part 2)

1 year ago

Facebook Page: Warrior Bride International
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29. October 2023
Joy Jacqueline
08:47 PM

Prophetic word:
Gun shot (blank bullets)

I Saw just now in the spirit and rim of bullets.
The Lord let me see the bullets inside, and they were empty.
And I thought Why would you have bullets without ammunition
Then the bullet rim was put into a machine gun and they started to make a loud Sound. It was so loud that it would frighten you if you didn’t see the scene before.
The Holy Spirit told me that the Enemy will now try to scare people with the sound of war but there are no bullets; it’s a fake gun making a lot of noise and not actual weapons.
It’s like watching a spaghetti western for the believers because they know what is happening behind the scenes.
But for the unrighteous there will be a great distress, that signals fear and panic and that harvests a great downfall. Violence escalates throughout the world.
The people you saw during the pandemic 😷 with the j and the m.
They will now say, it’s third world war now repeating it.
But you that are righteous and have chosen to be in the secret place of the Most High will stand your ground, and there is no hassle or distress.

Jesus said this:
There will be a great separation between what I call Good and what I call Evil. A separation between violence and peace My peace which I have given my people.
Stand firm in the faith.

Listen carefully to my message and my instructions and I will lead you in my way and My direction.
You will be seen and be know for My peace and My nature, yes I’m now preparing my sons to be visible on the face of the earth. (Romans 8)
In times of great distress you will see the opposite.
When there is darkness I am your light 💡 and I’ll give you my kingdom here on the earth.
The earth will see My bride, the earth will see my sons and daughters because they chose to have the oil on the lamp 🪔 which I have given to all my children.

The church:
You will know so the invitation and the scripture unfold concerning the 10 virgins. You that have chosen to get oil in my presence will light up the area around you. The world will see my pillars of fire. Some will ask the other wise virgins for the oil, but you will see that they are looking for oil in all the wrong places, I WAS THE ONE WHO CALLED THEM FIRST, I was the One calling all my children but some chose to neglect me. And they will reap the neglect they had in Me now says the Lord.
The bridegroom will come after the light of the world 🔥
That shines bright just like him.
These will inherit the Kingdom that I have prepared for them, Says the Lord of Host.

Scripture reference:

The Ten Virgins:
Matthew 25:1-13
You will hear of wars:
Matthew 24:6-13
Salt and Light:
Matthew 5:13-16
And darkness comprehended it not:
John 1:5-9
Put on the Full Armor of God:
Ephesians 6:10-18

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