Ubisoft Wants to Make A ZELDA GAME?!

1 year ago

Prince of Persia Devs Interested In Zelda Spin-off After Recent Hit. Ubisoft has expressed interest in creating a spin-off Zelda game, possibly based on one of my favorite Zelda titles, "The Adventure of Link." Ubisoft's senior developer, Remy Botin, mentioned this during an AMA on Reddit after the success of their recent game, Prince of Persia. Given Ubisoft's history of collaborating with Nintendo, this spin-off idea might not be far-fetched, and fans are eager to see how they would tackle such a project.

Discover the latest gaming buzz! Ubisoft's senior developer, Remy Botin, hinted at a potential Zelda spin-off, inspired by "The Adventure of Link." This revelation comes hot on the heels of Ubisoft's successful release, Prince of Persia. Dive into the details of this exciting possibility and explore the potential collaboration between Ubisoft and Nintendo. Gaming enthusiasts, stay tuned for more updates on what could be a groundbreaking venture into the world of Zelda spin-offs!

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