Magnesium - Oral vs. Transdermal Administration of Magnesium

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8 months ago

Dr. Mark Sircus discusses the benefits of various ways of bringing magnesium levels up, including, oral intake, transdermal applications via use of magnesium oil massage and nebulization.

So, so far we have talked about actually injecting or through injection or intravenous, or transdermal magnesium application, talked about using it in the eyes…. Oral - there are many oral magnesium products on the market. The first law of magnesium consumption through oral means is that it is a touch and go thing . Most of the pill forms of magnesium need hydrochloric acid to digest the and some people just don´t have sufficient levels of hydrochloric acid and that is a problem. Also when you take magnesium orally in high enough dosages then we have the problem of loosening the intestines and creating diarrhea, which is really actually not a problem because you clean out the intestines and then you can regulate the dose, it´s a little similar to high doses of vitamin C, it is called the bowel tolerance dose it´s good to get up to that dose and then you can drop the dose down by thirty or forty percent or fifty percent and then having a good comfortable oral dose. Liquid minerals like taking magnesium oil it´s a little difficult and the taste are like to mix with grape juice. You just cannot…. and Dr. Gary Gordon from California has remarked about this several times – oral methods just cannot compete with transdermal. If you cover the body everyday with magnesium oil, in two or three months you can replete the cells levels, if you use oral methods probably it takes up to an year - top of the oil, top of the magnesium levels…
So I like to use a combination of methods and techniques, when there is very little available I like to conserve and use it orally - My favorite of course is magnesium massage, I have actually nebulized magnesium into the lungs which is really a transdermal application and we will talk about nebulization more with sodium bicarbonate and glutathione, which are my favorite medicinals to use for nebulization. Magnesium though it takes months to bring levels back to a hundred percent, magnesium is still fast acting .When a doctor will use in the emergency room and a person´s having a heart attack it’s effect is immediate. Whether we start with oral or transdermal or combine the two, we are looking at treating for months and actually permanently, meaning people will always be served by increasing their magnesium´s levels that in the first few days people are going to actually feel better. I remember for instance a patient of my wife with Parkinson disease and she came into the office with her walker barely able to walk. I gave her some magnesium and she came back in two weeks – and I will always remember sitting in the office, waiting with my wife and this woman just came racing into the room, without her walker, smiling – the biggest smile I ever saw, showing off how wonderful she felt. Magnesium makes us all into heroes – and makes us also into villains if we forget about it
TEXT – Persons only slightly deficient in magnesium become irritable, highly-strung, and sensitive noise, hyper-excitable, apprehensive and belligerent.
It is that important, it is that basic for life, we wouldn’t treat people who are not breathing unless we are trying to resuscitate them, and bring them back. We also don´t want to treat people with magnesium deficiencies without addressing this deficiencies. Our patients will sleep better, will bring down the inflammation, increase the ATP production, will help clean up their cells, help nutrition get into the cells and reduce calcification. These are all very important things, we cover a lot of bases including turning up the enzyme activity and the hormone production. There is no end to the results that we are going to see just by using magnesium.


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