Trump plan to take down the Deep State

8 months ago

This time we're training much more than 3000, the Heritage Organization Center for Renewing America. All these different organizations that are conservative on MAGA are training tens of thousands of 3000 will be the first wave that hits that will really staff the Trump government at every level from Department of Energy, Department of Defense, every every billet that needs to be filled will be filled pretty quickly in the in the second term


00:00:00:06 - 00:00:01:10
Speaker 1
Thank you, Robert. Glad to be.

00:00:01:10 - 00:00:16:21
Speaker 2
Here. Thank you very much for joining us. Now, for British viewers who are not quite as close to what's going on, you know, in your part of town as Americans, you were close to Donald Trump. You fell out. What is your relationship with him now?

00:00:18:09 - 00:00:26:20
Speaker 1
I'm not so sure. I really fell out, but I'm very close to President Trump, have been for many years, particularly after he left the White House in 2021.

00:00:27:07 - 00:00:34:05
Speaker 2
And so how much advice do you give him at the moment on a sort of daily, weekly basis?

00:00:34:23 - 00:00:52:20
Speaker 1
Well, we have the number one. We have the number one show for MAGA, the number one show for activists streaming on podcasts and radio every day for 4 hours, six days a week, of which he gets a lot of the content from. And I don't want to disclose you know, personal conversation with him, but we're in we're in pretty close contact.

00:00:53:05 - 00:01:14:12
Speaker 2
And so we've got to go to a break in just a second. I've got one related question and then I've got loads more to talk to you. You have said that your Make America Great Again, your MAGA movement has trained 3000 people to enter government. Were Donald Trump to be reelected president? Who are these people? What jobs would they do?

00:01:16:05 - 00:01:37:12
Speaker 1
When you win the presidency, you immediately get 3000 political appointees to basically work with and control 2.2 million federal employees, about 2.5 of the military and about 16 million contractors. It's about 20 million. Remember, we spend $7 trillion a year. We run a 2 to 2 and a half trillion dollar deficit that we can't pay for. We just print money to do it.

00:01:38:04 - 00:01:57:01
Speaker 1
When you win the presidency, you get 3000 political appointees immediately and you get 1000 to have to be Senate confirmed. We're training many more than the 3000, as you know, in 16. Well, we came from behind and one we weren't really ready with the depth of talent you needed and the number of people trained up to take over really the executive branch.

00:01:57:07 - 00:02:20:23
Speaker 1
This time we're training much more than 3000, the Heritage Organization Center for Renewing America. All these different organizations that are conservative on MAGA are training tens of thousands of 3000 will be the first wave that hits that will really staff the Trump government at every level from Department of Energy, Department of Defense, every every billet that needs to be filled will be filled pretty quickly in the in the second term.

00:02:21:03 - 00:02:37:01
Speaker 2
Stephen, I'll go away because I want to now discuss what you would hope a Trump presidency would do. The chief said. We'll be back with you in just a couple of minutes.

00:02:42:00 - 00:02:56:19
Speaker 2
Welcome back. I'm delighted that Steve Bannon is still with me. Steve, historically, you and President Trump have mistrusted what people call the deep state. Will you try and replace people at the top of the CIA and the FBI and all of that?

00:02:57:21 - 00:03:20:06
Speaker 1
Well, of course, that's the prerogative of the president. We definitely have picks. Remember, let's go back to the previous conversation. You have 2 million federal employees, but then you have 6 to 8 million contractors. We have what's called the administrative state. There was never it structure in our Constitution. It's kind of taken over the government. It's these bureaucrat that's it's in every form of American life.

00:03:20:16 - 00:03:39:14
Speaker 1
And yes. And that rogue element of that, the national security, the intelligence, the law enforcement, that's the rogue element of that is what we call the deep state. The first line of attack is the administrative state. And certainly President Trump is going to replace members of the CIA, DNI, all that which he has the prerogative to do. Those are the 1000 Senate confirmed positions.

00:03:39:24 - 00:04:01:08
Speaker 1
But President Trump will look to deconstruct the administrative state. The Supreme Court's already into this right now, reviewing cases about downsizing this bureaucracy, because in your previous conversation, you talked about a financial crisis, an economic crisis in the United Kingdom. We have it to the 10th power here. We're running two and a half trillion dollar deficits every year.

00:04:01:16 - 00:04:19:05
Speaker 1
We have $34 trillion of face amount of debt and we're adding $1,000,000,000,000 about every hundred days. Robert, we're we're reaching a financial crisis of epic proportions. It has to be dealt with. One of the ways to deal with that is to deconstruct the administrative state that's helping to drive this.

00:04:19:11 - 00:04:25:13
Speaker 2
And when Donald Trump talks about a 10% tariff on all imports, is that something you approve of?

00:04:26:22 - 00:04:53:06
Speaker 1
100%. I'm a populist, and I believe in building a manufacturing base here in the United States. I think that where that's really going to be is against China and maybe even the tariffs will be higher. The manufacturing jobs from the elites in our country, the the people that run Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the corporatist, the run, the businesses in our country are really globalist and they're much more in business with the Chinese Communist Party than they are with the American people.

00:04:53:14 - 00:05:07:13
Speaker 1
We need to put some strictures on those folks. That's where we're going to, I think increased tariffs at least 10%. I think hopefully more against the Chinese to start to bring the manufacturing base back to the United States and create jobs.

00:05:07:23 - 00:05:13:21
Speaker 2
And when Donald Trump talks about sorting out the Ukraine war in 24 hours, what does he mean?

00:05:15:03 - 00:05:40:01
Speaker 1
Well, I think he's the best negotiator to do it. But, Robert, I think the Ukraine war is going to get sorted out here in the next 72 hours or the next week. Remember the United States Senate and particularly the reports that they're about to drop two thermonuclear bombs on the people of the United States. One is essentially an amnesty program at the border that's going to give immediate work permits to the 8 million illegal alien invaders have come in on the Biden watch.

00:05:40:01 - 00:05:58:12
Speaker 1
At the same time to do this, to get $60 billion to send to the corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine and the Republican Party is going to fight this tooth and nail. We're going to fight it in the House. MAGA does not want one more penny going to Zelensky and these corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine. We want people to go to the negotiating table.

00:05:58:18 - 00:06:14:24
Speaker 1
It's time to stop killing on American money. 120 billion we've already put in to stop killing innocent Ukrainians. It's time to get to the negotiating table. I think President Trump could cut that deal in 48 hours. But I got to tell you, I think that this Ukraine situation is going to be solved well before he gets back to office.

00:06:15:04 - 00:06:28:18
Speaker 2
But surely it would be appalling for peace in the world if Putin, you know, hangs on to a large chunk, about a third of Ukraine as a result of an illegal invasion.

00:06:28:18 - 00:06:55:24
Speaker 1
The eastern Russian speaking border of Ukraine is not in the vital national security interest of the United States. What's in the vital national security of the United States is a southern border of the United States about our sovereignty, our territorial integrity, and in addition, starting to have our NATO's partners start to be an alliance and stop being a protectorate, the first thing the Europeans are start thinking about is you've got to get up to the 2%, which I think the United Kingdom does in Poland.

00:06:56:09 - 00:07:27:23
Speaker 1
But you have to become an alliance, not a protectorate. A strong NATO's a strong NATO alliance where the individual nation states are actually getting militaries and paying 2% of the GDP, which they committed to with the United States as an alliance partner, not an overall security guarantee by the United States is the way to thwart Russian aggression. I spent eight years of my life as a young man, as a naval officer, four years in the Pacific, in the in the South China Sea, and then in the North Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf, on a destroyer that was hunting Soviet submarines.

00:07:27:23 - 00:07:46:11
Speaker 1
I spent a couple of years at the Pentagon when the when we worried about the Soviet Union, the Bolsheviks coming across the North German plane, the fault again, that's not that's not a point. Today you saw 80% of the combat capability of the Russians. I think by naito have been destroyed in ukraine. I don't think you have to worry about i think you have to worry about it.

00:07:46:11 - 00:07:53:21
Speaker 2
I'm being told, unfortunately so frustratingly because there's so much more I want to talk to you about. We are out of time.

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