Learn to love God's word, it holds the key to everything. 1/30/24 Naples

8 months ago

This is a message to my Christian friends to stay in the word of God, keep exposing yourself to the Bible through reading, listening to good exegetical preaching and sharing the word of God with those who do not know Christ. I check the news daily online, so I can know how to pray, so I can understand what is happening, and yet it is my knowledge of God's word that helps me to understand how to cope with all the evil in this world. Stay in God's word DAILY.
2 Timothy 2:15 "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a worker who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth." Naples, Florida 1/30/24 www.mefoundation.world We at the ME Foundation love God's word.

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