"Boldly go where no lodge has gone before!"

1 year ago

In this episode, host Maynard Edwards speaks with several founding members of Science Fiction and Fantasy Lodge No. 10016 in England: Worshipful Master Chris Priestley, Director of Ceremonies Mike Santopietro and Junior Warden Justin Randle. The Brothers explain how the idea for the Sci Fi & Fantasy lodge was born, how it got started and why there is such overlap between sci fi fans and Freemasonry. The group also discuss their picks for which famed Sci Fi characters would take which seats in a Lodge!

To learn more about the Lodge visit them online at https://www.scifiandfantasylodge.org.uk

From the September/October 2016 edition of The Scottish Rite Journal. Any accompanying photographs or citations for this article can be found in the corresponding print edition.

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