Nursing Pod of Risso’s Dolphins killed in Taiji Japan

1 year ago

Taiji Japan, January 30, 2024:
About 10 Risso's dolphins were driven into the Cove. 3 babies were dumped alive at sea, and the remaining adults were all killed and taken to a butcher's house.

Another sad terrible day as Kunito Seko witnessed and documented the tragic outcome for 10 Risso's dolphins. An unfortunate portion of a larger pod who were unable to break free due to trying to protect the young within the family. Although, they did make several attempts to escape the clutches of the hunters , they were no match for the large noisy vessels forcefully herding them towards their doom. Once inside the cove 3 babies were spotted swimming with their mothers.. These precious souls were orphaned and dumped back out at sea ,left to fend for themselves, helpless and vulnerable to predators and starvation without the protection of their mothers and other family members.. Their mothers and relatives brutally slaughtered. Their only hope now is for the surviving pod to hear their distress calls and come to their rescue. This is the treatment of dolphins Taiji claims to be "humane." In what universe could this ever be considered to be so?!
These poor dolphins lives mattered and we will not be silent nor will we forget. For this family, others before them and others sadly still to come we raise our voice. 💔
Day 152

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