Gray Truth

1 year ago

The most convincing lies look like the truth and it is this very fact that will prove that many will slip away from God as we draw closer to the end. Oh ken not another one of these. Yup but nope. I do not speak too much of the end times insofar as the end times go. Not that I shouldn’t but just that I am not right now called to speak on it because I am but just now starting to look into it. Why? Well, because I do know that while Donald Trump was our President, and throughout his term things were clearly off insofar as our country goes. I think God was showing us that we are in hot water and that we have misplaced our faith in things such as the democratic system over the things of God. I mean and this is just me, as you are also able to have an opinion, how could so many of us Christians have it wrong? In these, no those and these days, how could we be so far apart. We truly looked no different than our unbelieving neighbor. In more cases than not, you could not tell a Christian apart from one who did not believe in God. Why is this? Because they were getting their information from the same source. And the source is designed to tell a lie so good that it looks like the truth.

Oh there it is. Yup, therein lies the trigger and the point of this message. If you are prone to believing what anyone states that is in direct conflict with what the bible states, then you are in trouble and susceptible to losing salvation ground. What, how can you say such a thing Ken. Ah now that we have your attention let us see how satan operates and how he will continue to operate as we draw nearer, in fact, we truly are only minutes, heavenly minutes, from the end, or should I say the beginning of the end. I have at least two authors, or rather believers who believe that the end of times, or tribulation started near the 1950’s or so. And if you are a data looker and look upon the statistics and world events that have taken place since about that time you can but ask, how much worse does it need to get for us to ask how much worse is it going to get and will I be here or in the greatest mess known to mankind (Matt 24:21-22).

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