The FBI should be in jail

11 months ago

As for Koresh's musical retaliation, there are a few differing account. EW's retelling of the siege claimed he played tapes of his own songs, while the Los Angeles Times noted that guitar music blared from inside the compound. However, an FBI agent told PBS's Frontline that Koresh actually played music with his band. R.J. Craig, who was part of the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team, said: "He had his little band in there and, all of a sudden, he starts playing and we were 200-plus yards away and we had to yell at each other to hear. It was . . . and it went on for several hours, this concert, rock concert. Just showing us that his speakers were more powerful than ours."

In the end, though, Koresh's music and pleading for peace were no match for the authorities, who flooded Mount Carmel with tear gas on the 51st day of the standoff. A fire then broke out, killing dozens of Koresh's followers and Koresh himself.

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