Prof. dr. Stefan Homburg: There was NEVER a killer virus

8 months ago

NOVEMBER 11, 2023, GERMAN BUNDESTAG. Prof. dr. Stefan Homburg of the University of Hannover explains that clinically, in terms of real illnesses and deaths (which is the ONLY thing that should matter), ‘COVID’ was a nothing-burger. All the relevant official statistics prove this:

1. Hospital occupancy in Germany fell to an all-time in 2020.
2. There were no more severe respiratory illnesses than usual in 2020 and 2021. ‘Corona’ came, but ‘influenza’ disappeared.
3. Age-standardized mortality was not higher in 2020 than usual. Mortality has only increased AFTER the mass roll-out of the jabs in early 2021.
4. People who died with or of ‘COVID’ were on average 83 years old.
5. Sweden, which avoided mask mandates and lockdowns (and has similar climate, effective population density and demography as Germany), fared better than Germany. In other words, people who refer to the prevention paradox ― that the lack of extraordinary severe disease and death was due to the measures ― are WRONG.

There was never a pandemic. The ‘pandemic’ was an ILLUSION created with clinically meaningless hyper-oversensitive PCR tests. This illusion has also become known as a PCR-demic, scamdemic, convid-1984, among many other terms.

Instead of treating ‘COVID’ as the nothing-burger it is, the government tyrannized their populations, framed people as plague rats, smeared dissenters and skeptics. This language has not been used since the Holocaust 75 years ago.

The tyrannical measures forced onto the population were way in excess of the government’s authority (legal term: ultra vires). However, all fail-safes were suddenly gone. Courts ONLY listened to the Robert Koch Institute and Paul Ehrlich Institute (German equivalents of CDC and FDA). In this way, governments could self-certify the ‘legality’ of their tyranny, because they fully controlled the Ministry of Truth which was used as the ONLY source of ‘truth’.

Doctors who followed their Hippocratic Oath to first do no harm (primum non nocere), were sent to prison.

Almost every known critic of the measures was criminalized, suspended, dismissed, arrested or subjected to a house search.

The Chief Justice cynically declared that citizens’ fundamental rights had not been removed, but could no longer be exercised.

Media read irrelevant test statistics ad nauseam without mentioning that the clinical situation was normal.

World class experts such as pathologist prof. Püschel and epidemiologist prof. Bhakdi were smeared as racists and anti-Semites respectively. Literally everyone who questioned the measures was deemed a conspiracy theorist and enemy of the state.

You would expect that especially epidemiologists and public health doctors would get a prominent role, but instead they were pushed aside in favor of others who kept spouting fear porn with ever new false forecasts and horror science fiction models which had no relation whatsoever to reality.


Related fact sheet:

Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg (University of Hannover)


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