Ancient of Days 2005 - 7 of 9 - Norm Franz - Iron Mountain, Globalism and the Economy of the NWO

11 months ago

Ancient of Days 2005 - 7 of 9 - Norm Franz - Iron Mountain, Globalism and the Economy of the NWO
This is Norm Franz's astonishing video lecture Iron Mountain, Globalism and the Economics of the New World Order (2005) where this former monetary economist exposes the roots of problems facing the world's financial system as a whole and its direct road towards a meltdown which is built in in its own foundations. Franz's Ancient of Days conference 2005 lecture offered an insight from the viewpoint of a so called biblical economist who is inspired by the economical teachings found in the bible where there there is no mention of fractional reserve banking which is creating one huge debt bubble which will burst sooner or later and take down the whole economy, regardles of being national or global. The bible economics teaches a system of just scales where you can't lend something that doesn't exist as todays central bankers do when they simply create money out of nothing and lend it to local governments with interests. In this capacity, Norm is actively discipling the nations on how to discern between true biblical wealth and the dishonest scales of unrighteous mammon in form of international bankers and globalists. His book, Money and Wealth in the New Millennium, is a prophetic guide to the end time transfer wealth which, if bible prophecies come true, will create a gigantic political, financial and religious monopoly in the hands of few at the expense of all others who will live only if microchipped and willing to unquestionably obey orders from this tiny but omnipotent elite. Find out how the architects of our current worldwide financial system designed it on purpose to fall someday in the future taking along all national economies in order to merge them into one big world economy, a global government and a world religion. It is the so called new world order which carries along the old tradition of tyrannical rulership, this time on a global scale. 90 min long.
Guy Malone, Michael Heiser, David Flynn, and Others Get Together In an Attempt to Define UFO and Abduction Phenomena Through From a Biblical Perspective
Ancient of Days 2005: UFO & Bible conference
Ancient of Days 2005 - 1 of 9 - Guy Malone - Biblical Ufology
Ancient of Days 2005 - 2 of 9 - David Flynn 2005 - The Doomsday Clock - Astronomical Precession and 2012
Ancient of Days 2005 - 3 of 9 - Michael S Heiser - The Sons of God, Daughters, Nephilim, UFOs
Ancient of Days 2005 - 4 of 9 - Panel Discussion Part 1
Ancient of Days 2005 - 5 of 9 - Panel Discussion Part 2
Ancient of Days 2005 - 6 of 9 - Stan Deyo - Free energy And the Technology of the NWO
Ancient of Days 2005 - 7 of 9 - Norm Franz - Iron Mountain, Globalism and the Economy of the NWO
Ancient of Days 2005 - 8 of 9 - Bill Schnoebelen - UFOs, Masonry & Satanism in the Occult Social Order
Ancient of Days 2005 - 9 of 9 - Patrick Heron - The Great Pyramid and the Apocalypse
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Source: Original DVD
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