Exodus 15

1 year ago

Verse 1-19 is a song dedicated to the Lord, detailing the recent triumph over the Egyptians! In verse 20, Prophetess Miriam is named as a leader of a ceremony similar to praise and worship. She gets a tambourine and dances, with the other women, encouraging the people to sing in verse 21.

This is the first mention of a woman having an occupation or any role other than handmaid, wife and mother. She praised the Lord with a tambourine and dance.

The Israelites journeyed away from the red sea. After three days, the Israelites could not find any water. When they finally found water, it was bitter and undrinkable. The people complained and God gave them the solution to place a certain type of tree in the water to make it fit for consumption. God gives the Israelites a few commandments to maintain their faithfulness. God brings them to Elim which had 12 wells of water and palm trees.

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