An Open Letter and Declaration to the World Economic Forum

1 year ago
42 - News /

NOTE: We don't condone threats or violence of any kind. If you are upset or outraged by acts of government misconduct, we encourage you to utilize lawful means of expression, including becoming involved in the political process, as well as seeking accountability through the judicial system.

An open letter and declaration to the World Economic Forum

You, Klaus Schwab and your cabal of "Young Global Leaders", are now revealed to us. You are currently operating in plain sight of the entire world. You count on the citizens of the world to be distracted or worse, disinterested in your designs for us. But you are NOT correct. Your policies corrupt the independence of our respective national governments and turn our elected representatives who are selected to protect our rights and sovereignty, against us. Your boldness in this endeavor is undeniable. You have told us in your own words repeatedly.

You are clearly excited at the prospect of ruling over us. Starving us through your plan of obsolescence. That, "We will eat the bugs", and "we will own nothing and be happy". You foolishly believe that you can control our every thought and desire. But you are WRONG. You will never defeat freewill. It is provided to us through God and ours does not belong to you. You do not see a future for mankind in its current form and your designs for the future include no provisions for us. Your only true objective is power and control and the destruction of our God given human rights. You are NOT Gods, God IS watching and your time for judgement draws near. Justice can not be avoided but for a short time in this life. You have played your part for Satan, you are an inversion of the truth. You are an inversion of justice. You are an inversion of good in mankind and you represent all that is putrid, filthy and suicidal.

We are not like you, we know who you are and we refute your designs and desires for us. We now guard against you. We will root you out like weeds and you and your actions will be put on display for all to see.

To all other governments, like Canada, where leadership has been "penetrated" like Young global leader Justin Trudeau and Young global leader Christia Freeland, this WILL NOT STAND. You have made a fatal error, you've made a deal with the devil, and you have chosen poorly. You have abandoned logic and reason and allied yourself with madness and perversion. Your time is running short and you now face the scrutiny of the public eye. We refute your leadership and we refute your self imposed power and control. If there is any soul left in you. now is the time to reclaim it and return to humanity, or you WILL be found and you WILL be held accountable. At this moment, you have an opportunity. Reclaim your logic. Ask for forgiveness. The way back may still be open for you. May God have mercy on you and upon us all.

As a message to all other patriotic citizens of all nations around the world. This is not a time to be silent or meek. It is by our complacency that injustice finds its rule. A lesson that i have to learn over and again, is that all evil needs to thrive, is that good men and women do nothing. If you are watching this video and you are aware of the corruption that we are all facing. This is the time to make your own video and open letter to the WEF. Declare your independence from them publicly. Separate yourself from them. They will not win. Justice and mankind will prevail.
Thank you and God bless us alll.

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