Surah Az Zumar

1 year ago

The entire Surah is a most eloquent and effective address which was given before the emigration to Habash, in an environment filled with tyranny and persecution, ill-will and antagonism, in Makkah. The disbelievers are told that they should not pollute their worshipping of God with the worship of any other deity. The truth of Tawhid and the excellent results of accepting it, the falsehood of shirk and the evil consequences of following it, have been explained in a very forceful way so that the people might give up their wrong way of life and return to the mercy of their Lord. The believers are also instructed, as to say: "If a place has become narrow for the worship and service of Allah, His earth is vast; you may emigrate to some other place in order to save your faith; Allah will reward you for your patience"

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