Elmo From 'Sesame Street' Checks In To See How Everyone Is Doing, Reads The Replies

11 months ago

Elmo's kind of a big deal. He has 438,000 followers, including luminaries such as Chelsea Clinton. He's too young to have an account on X, but he says in his bio that his mommy and daddy help him out with it. Elmo was curious Monday about how everyone was doing out there. -- Elmo @elmo: “Elmo is just checking in! How is everybody doing?” https://twitter.com/elmo/status/1751995117366296904 -- We're doing a lot better knowing that the guy cleared of sex abuse charges doesn't have his hand up your butt anymore. Us? We've been better. Inflation's pretty rough and the border is wide open. Do they have an illegal immigrant puppet on "Sesame Street" yet? I don't watch so I wouldn't know. I watched "Sesame Street" back in the '60s and '70s, usually while eating cut-up hot dogs, and it taught me two things: how to count to 10 in Spanish and how to watch TV passively. So, how is everybody doin'?

THE™ Jessi Davin @jessithebuckeye: “Elmo reading the replies and QTs” -- Steven @StevenMcinerney: “The world is burning around us, Elmo.” https://twitter.com/i/status/1752028877407363366 -- The REAL Boston Media @RealBostonMedia: “Not good, Elmo. Not good.” -- Ferda @BartBush1013: “Well 2024 feels like 2020 plus 4 so…” -- woshingo @Woshingo: “I’m at my lowest. Thanks for asking.” -- AnarchistFrodo @anarchist_frodo: “Elmo, we're about to kick off WW3 and many of the celebrities you hang out with have ties to pedophiles. you tell me. how're we doing?” -- Jimmy @Arxndel: “Elmo I want to be like Rocco😔😔” https://twitter.com/i/status/1752077063559807367 -- Séamus Malekafzali @Seamus_Malek: “Elmo I'm gonna be real I am at my fucking limit” -- Sunny @sunnyright: “It's a real shitshow, Elmo.” - Stephen L. Miller @redsteeze: “Hey go fuck yourself buddy.”

Bonchie @bonchieredstate: “Welcome back. Ben Shapiro is the world’s top rapper, Joe Biden is president, and Russia invaded Europe. Things aren’t good, E.” -- Being Libertarian @beinlibertarian: “Well Elmo, We’re closer to nuclear war than we have been since Sesame Street was paved, Democrats are threatening to drone strike Americans who don’t want Big Bird to be forced to share a nest with illegals, and most of your celebrity guests are creeps with ties to Epstein.” -- Prork @Prork: “The Sesame Street social media intern immediately after posting this tweet” https://twitter.com/i/status/1752113593506557997 -- Lionhear (YT:Mck Stellar) @lionheart_mck: “You posted in the wrong neighborhood puppet” https://twitter.com/i/status/1752100551775363385 -- Caleb®️ @awsomehog1: “It’s a good day on Sesame Street but the rest of the streets are struggling my dude” https://twitter.com/i/status/1752047132561805775

Kevin Finnerty @timeimmemorial_: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GFCwbSGXIAAvdBn?format=jpg&name=medium -- Northwest Cee @CeeHawk: “Elmo we're all one bad day from moving in with Oscar, it's BLEAK out here bro” -- Nat Queen Coal 🪨💎 @NatashaOladokun: “Elmo I’ve got to level with you baby we are fighting for our lives” -- Kassie Epstein 🏟 @kassieepstein: “january has lasted approx 27 months, elmo, we’re all just trying our best” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GFC4ffqXkAAQZZE?format=jpg&name=900x900 -- catherine 🥑 @helloavacado: “Dying to know the conversations happening today within the Elmo social media team because of this tweet” -- Elmo probably shouldn't have chosen a Monday morning to check in with everyone.

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