You Already Own Nothing

1 year ago

Everyone knows the #WEF wants us to own neither and be happy with it. But the reality is we are already halfway there. The cult of #government has already forced us to give up true ownership over our own labor and land, the two most fundamental things to #freedom. To them taking control of all free will, control of our lives, and the economy is just the logical next step. We see it as absurd to obey their demands of owning nothing, living in the pod, eating the bugs, accepting the #CBDC, and living under a social credit system. But the basic components of everything they need to enforce that future is already in place. We are halfway there and accelerating. Every seemingly small concession we make, giving up a tiny bit of freedom is actually a huge win for the dystopian WEF future because freedom leaves easily but requires horror and sacrifice to win back. It is a one-way gear that easily advances towards tyranny but then cannot be turned the other direction without breaking the entire system. No sacrifice is too much for the cult of woke because every sacrifice is to their god, the government. All forms of socialism are simply sects of the same religion placing the state in the place of God, and it is up to us to refuse to bow another micron.

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