Moses, Exodus Route from Egypt, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai Location in Arabia, Ten Commandments

1 year ago

THE EXODUS REVEALED VIDEO'S Galatians 4:25-25 For this Agar is mount {{ Sinai in Arabia .}} Moses, Exodus Route from Egypt, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai Location in Arabia, Ten Commandments , See the miraculous events of the Exodus route the Israelites took from Egypt, the location of the Red Sea Crossing, and the location of Mt. Sinai. THE EXODUS REVEALED VIDEO ,The Bible: The Word of God? Extraordinary Claims Demand Extraordinary Evidence!"And here it is .This video follows the footsteps of the children of Israel in an unforgettable journey of discovery. A journey that reveals physical evidence for the Exodus including: the remains of 3800 year old Hebrew settlements in Egypt's Nile Delta, Egyptian records of the Israelite's bondage under Pharaoh; the precise route they may have followed to freedom; their crossing site on shore of the Red Sea; and the location of Mt. Sinai. Shocking, amazing archaeological evidence of supernatural occurrences mentioned in the biblical exodus! We read in Exodus 17:6-7 that God said to Moses, “Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink.”

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