Shanghai investors protested Hywin Wealth for its failure to make payments for financial products

1 year ago

1/22/2024 Hundreds of investors in Shanghai protested against Hywin Wealth for its failure to make payments for its financial products. The CCP deployed a large number of police to forcefully move protesting investors onto buses, attempting to clear the scene. Many investors were arrested for refusing to leave. The ongoing financial turmoil in Communist China is further accelerating the demise of the CCP
#hywinwealth #takedowntheccp
1/22/2024 上海数百投资人抗议海银财富无法兑付客户理财产品。中共派出大批警察到抗议现场将投资人强行推上大巴带离现场,多名投资人因不愿离开而被逮捕。中共国的金融爆雷愈演愈烈,也进一步加速着中共的灭亡!
#海银财富 #消灭中共

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