NCS Fresno, County Statement and Warning/ Beware of Psy-Op

1 year ago

To all my fellow Californians and Patriots nation wide, beware of controlled opposition, and the psychological manipulation operations taking place world wide. Do not get caught up in the border mess. Yes, we support and have always supported a secure and sovereign border, but not in this manner. We are not on THEIR terms! We will do what's right and just on our terms, and our timing. In a "sElection," year, take heed, and use logical thinking and common sense. Stay focused and grounded. Our fight is here at home. Join this grassroots battle here, and support the cause. It is truly all that matters.

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Or you can send a check to
New California State Fresno County, P.O. Box 8681, Fresno, CA 93747

God bless us all! 🙏 ☝️🇺🇸

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