GEEK - This Astonishing DARK Origin Will FREAK You Out! (DISTURBING)

1 year ago

The word geek has not always meant a "nerd" with an intense hobby. It has a dark and disturbing history that traces its roots in the early days of the traveling circus or carnival. The Geek was a performer who had a particularly disturbing and extraordinary act. Watch till the end to learn all about it in this video. Subscribe, so you can be Wize to more Wordz!

Wize to the Wordz tries to explain the surprising word origins of common English words and expressions. This will help people learn English vocabulary and other fun facts about English. These videos try to be informative, entertaining, and funny.

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Learning English Words | Word Origins for Beginners | Learning English Vocabulary | Word Trivia | Fun Word Facts | English Lesson | Etymology for Beginners | Geeks

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