MK-ULTRA? Crazed Nottingham killer Valdo Calocane travelled to MI5s London HQ BEGGING to be arrested

1 year ago

UK Secret Services can ORDER Chief Constables NOT to pursue agents of influence, informers or those they are experimenting on and are KNOWN to have experimented with hypnosis, mind-altering drugs, mentally destabilising people in an attempt to create remote-controlled killers etc. They have also achieved IMMUNITY FROM PROSECUTION from all serious crimes including MURDER

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By Jonathan Browning 20 December 2019 at 13:04 GMT

Nottingham killer went to MI5 HQ pleading to be arrested, court told
Valdo Calocane, 32, who has paranoid schizophrenia, believed the agency was controlling him, says defence lawyer

Valdo Calocane: Timeline of Nottingham triple killer's contact with mental health services

When did Calocane's mental health problems begin?
Defence barrister Peter Joyce KC said his client's mental illness started in 2019.
Elias Calocane told police he first became aware his brother was suffering from mental health problems while he was studying for his degree.
He apparently believed he was being spied on by his housemates and by MI6, and that his family was under threat.
He was prescribed anti-psychotic medication but stopped taking it, which the prosecution said led to a further decline in his mental health.
Calocane's family became concerned about his mental health again in May 2021. According to his brother, he had been hearing voices, telling him his family members would die.
Mr Joyce told the court that Calocane even travelled to the MI5 headquarters on 31 May 2021 to try to stop them controlling him.
"That's not a concoction by him," he said.
"There is a photograph taken by their systems at Thames House, saying 'please arrest me' -

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