The Truth About Politics

1 year ago

Politics has always been this way and has been forced upon humanity by the globalist elites for generations. It has been, and still is being done, so the elites (what they call themselves) can become kings and queens, and the people become their serfs (or as they call us, deplorable useless eaters). They are intentionally enslaving humanity, through election cheating or color revolutions to install their evil puppets worldwide.

The deep state cabal picks both Democrat and Republican candidates. Do you remember hearing or saying, "I suppose my choice for president will have to be the better of two evils?" Every president sincen Ronald Reagan was chosen by the cabal not by WE The People, until Donald J. Trump came into politics. In 2016, Trump beat the cabal's corrupted voting system, and won the election against the cabal puppet Hillary Clinton. Q (military intelligence originally started by JFK) had stated in an intel drop before the election, that they (deep state cabal) thought she would never lose. By the grace of God, and because people came out in the millions to vote, Trump won by an historical landslide. For the first time in decades, our President was serving us. I believe that Trump will be the best president in the history of America. As January 30, 2024, his mission is not yet completed. When he returns to office in 2025, however, our government will be completely cleared of the entire criminal syndicate. Trump has claimed, "I will obliterate the deep state." And, I sincerely believe he will keep his promise.

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