Matching Grant!

1 year ago

Dear Fellow Patriot,

I’ve just received word that a very generous donor is willing to give $200K towards completion of the 2 main buildings at the Patriot Academy campus, but it’s a matching grant and only new donations will be matched.

You know that we at Patriot Academy very rarely make time-sensitive requests because I never want to sound like “the sky is falling unless you give now” crowd. Forgive me if this email rings like that at all, but this is a great opportunity to gain ground in our fight to restore the Constitution and I don’t want to miss it! And yes, of course, right after I poked fun at all the matching grant emails from other groups at the end of last year, we receive this one. The Lord keeps us humble!!

The fact is that we have equipment and crew ready to go and if we can get this grant and the matching funds, that means we’ll have the materials and everything we need to forge ahead. For all of this to line up well and us save additional money due to logistics, crews, etc... we need to close out this matching grant in the next 7 days. I’ve been on the phone for the last 24 hours calling some of our friends and supporters and we already have $62K of the $200K raised.

Would you please consider making a donation towards this effort in the next few days? You can simply choose “Patriot Academy Campus” in the drop down menu on the page.

If you need more time and your donation is greater than $1K, then you can make a pledge this week and fund that donation anytime in the next 60 days and it will still count towards the matching grant. Simply email with the amount of your pledge and your target date for making the donation.

As soon as we finish these 2 main buildings, we can move the entire Patriot Academy operation to the campus and begin the programs on site we have all been dreaming of for years. Be sure to watch the introductory Campus Adventures Vlog for more detail.

Thanks so much for your help at this critical time for our Nation!

Onward & Upward!

Rick Green

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