Insel Riems: Ultra Secret German Biological Weapons Facility (Germany's Plum Island)

8 months ago

Insel Riems: Ultra Secret German Biological Weapons Facility (Germany's Plum Island)

This video gives a brief overview of Insel Riems, the German biological weapons facility on the isolated island of Riems by Greifswald, on the northern tip of East Germany

Erich Traub was vice president of Insel Riems from 1942-1948, and oversaw the entire phase of Insel Riems research for military purposes during WWII and after under Soviet authority. It is here that he may have been subject to blackmail for war crimes

Insel Riems was an agricultural facility and was setup much like Plum Island Animal Disease Center in the USA, and in fact, Plum Island was built based on the descriptions of Insel Riems, advised by Erich Traub

Many animal diseases were weaponized into human pathogens at Insel Riems, while animal disease also served as a good cover for biological weapons work, which I have explained in other videos

All of this is talked about in my book, "The Sleeper Agent: The Rise of Lyme Disease, Chronic Illness, and the Great Imitator Antigens of Biological Warfare" now available on Amazon and my personal site for the book is at:

Amazon link:

My banned M.P. Chumakov Video can be found here:

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