Trent on the Loos-01.30.2024

10 months ago

Welcome to "Trent on the Loos," where we delve into the practical aspects of CO2 capture with energy economist Curtis Jundt as our esteemed guest. Trent is pleased to have Mr. Jundt back on the show, and they are ready to examine the real-world consequences of CO2 capture through CO2 pipelines.

As we explore this critical topic, let's uncover three key takeaways that emerge from their discussion.

Firstly, CO2 capture, though it may sound like a noble endeavor, will come at a significant price for consumers. The costs associated with capturing carbon dioxide and transporting it through pipelines will likely translate into higher monthly energy bills for households. This means that individuals and families will feel the financial burden of these initiatives in their daily lives.

Furthermore, it's important to understand that these increased costs won't just be a one-time hit to our wallets. Instead, they are expected to be ongoing, impacting our daily expenses as we power our homes and go about our routines.

In conclusion, "Trent on the Loos" provides a platform for discussing the practical effects of CO2 capture without any hidden agenda. It aims to shed light on the potential financial consequences that consumers may face due to these well-intentioned but costly efforts.


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