Surah Al Waqiah

1 year ago

Its theme is the hereafter, oneness of god and refutation of the disbelievers' suspicions about the Quran. What they regarded as utterly incredible was that resurrection would ever take place, then the entire system of the earth and heavens would be upset, and when all the dead would be resurrected and called to account, after which the righteous would be admitted to Paradise and the wicked cast into Hell. They regarded all this as imaginary, which could not possibly happen in actual fact. In answer to this, it was said: "When the inevitable event will take place, there will be none to belie its happening, nor will anyone have the Power to avert it, nor prove it to be an unreal happening. At that time all peoples will be divided into three classes:

1.The foremost in rank and position;
2.The common righteous people;
3.Those who denied the Hereafter and persisted in disbelief and polytheism and major sins till the last.

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