US resident warns of the CCP’s influence after the HK government issued a HK$1 million bounty on her

1 year ago

1/28/2024 U.S. resident Frances Hui warns of the CCP’s influence on America after CCP-controlled authorities in Hong Kong issued a $1 million HK dollar bounty on her head. She makes the point that the problem with Hong Kong is big enough to tell everyone about the CCP’s efforts to crush democracy and freedom.
#HongKong #CCP #TakeDowntheCCP
1/28/2024 美国居民许颖婷在港共政府悬赏一百万港币捉拿她后,警告中共对美国的影响。她指出,香港的问题足以告诉人们中共国正在努力摧毁民主和自由。
#香港 #中共 #消灭中共

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