Episode 1820: Prepare the next Generation - Please!

1 year ago

You have heard me say before that the modern catholic church is the Church of Happy Happy. If the priests say anything from the pulpit that does not make the faithful happy happy a call will be made to the bishop and good bye Priest. Today everything must align with our modern culture perspective of deceiving the faithful, so they remain ignorant and happy happy.
So let me read to you a quote from MTG that Nancy sent me. Between Sharon and Nancy I am being kept on my toes so lets see if I can deliver. I feel like Paul McCartney said give me a theme and I will write you a song.

So how do we prepare the next generation? Easy with tradition! No need to reinvent perfection. But what if our Church stopped teaching? Well we must teach and teach firmly.
Today we have a culture of please do not mess with my truth or the truth of our culture. Please keep everything happy happy or I will toon you out. It truly is a huge problem. This is what I refer to as the heresy of indifferentism. The basis is that what ever makes it easier for me to live my life in this modern culture will be my path. But you heard me in a previous episode site Christ when he said Matthew 5:37: But let your yes be yes,' and your no be no'; for whatever is more than these is from the evil one.
And what did we learn about St Gildas in his writings of medieval Britian in his book “On the Ruin and Conquest of Britain” That very thing. He said the Church, the Rulers and the People were all going down a bad road. That is in the 500’s. He spoke about what he saw, and he guided the opposite. There is absolutely nothing new under the sun. But we in this modern world thing we are so very unique. We are not. We make the very same mistakes as the paste, and we cover it over by saying “Well you know that’s the way it is today” No that is the way it all was until someone stood up and decided that this current generation is lost, and we must prepare for the next. That is our job. Why did the jews wonder for 40 years in the desert? Because God had to work out all the bad in them. Why was Moses and David in exile for so long before God used them. Same reason. Get the bad out of them.
So you may say okay walt we bite what do you suggest. Well before I do that let me give you two examples of what I witnessed recently.
First, a friend said to me you really need to watch the Netflix movie called “leave the world behind”
Now as you know I watch very little series on TV other than if someone is over and there is a request to watch something. So as a host I will sit and watch but generally I do not waste my time because especially with Netflix its mostly modern propaganda with certain attributes that must be in the movie for it to be played. Those attributes in most cases must be:
• Man (mostly white men) are bad woman are good
• Man dumb or weak and woman strong and leading
• Children smarter than parents
• Ethnic groups other than Whites are smarter and get it
• Racism / Feminism
• Religion bad especially Catholics and atheists good
• White people bad and Black people good.
• Destruction is caused by men and especially white men and Black people and woman will save the day.
• Homosexuals are good heterosexuals prejudice.
Now you may say I am nuts but take all those points and the next time you watch a series see if you can check them off.
Okay so I was asked to watch it and give my assessment.
First of all once I say the Obamas directed the movie I thought why waste my time. Useless perspective to me for many reasons and also are they sending us a message.
God forbid I should ask such questions because I am breaking all the modern rules today which are “shut up and submit”
But I am a brave guy, and really could careless what people think and so I watched it.
Here is the overview:
Facing disaster and uncertainty: The film throws two families into an ambiguous apocalyptic situation, forcing them to confront survival fears and the unknown.
Class and power dynamics: Tensions arise between the wealthy white Sandford family and the Black couple, G.H. and Ruth, who own the house. This highlights societal inequalities and how they play out in extreme circumstances.
Communication and trust: As information is scarce and suspicion grows, the characters struggle to build trust and communicate effectively.
Privilege and ignorance: The film critiques how privilege can blind people to certain realities and challenges them to confront their own shortcomings.
What it means to "leave the world behind": This could refer to escaping societal norms, confronting the fragility of civilization, or even letting go of the past.
As for the cast:
Julia Roberts and Ethan Hawke play Amanda and Clay Sandford, the vacationing couple.
Mahershala Ali and Myha'la Herms portray G.H. and Ruth, the owners of the house.
After it was over I was left with “What the hell was that saying to me?”
Its pure propaganda from the Obama’s and the Hollywood elite. Shame on you white people and US because you will get everything you deserve, and white people are so very weak. Also white survivalism are selfish.
Great job at teaching the next generation.
Now let me tell you about an encounter several young women around my daughters age.
One was a teacher and was explaining an encounter at school where a young boy questioned his gender, and someone slipped him hormone drugs and how the school handled it. It was clear that this whole matter troubled this young teacher, but she had a job and God forbid she did not act accordingly. Cancellation baby.
This is what this poor next generation is dealing with.
So now you are saying so Wal there better be a suggestion after all this depression and the answer would be Yepper there is and its quite simple.
But let your yes be yes,' and your no be no'; for whatever is more than these is from the evil one.
We MUST stop going along to get along and like St Gildas stand your ground and make a difference.
So do you do it by petitioning the movies and the educational system? Well that is an option and I guarantee you that will not end well for you.
What you do is teach the little ones tradition and do not apologize for it. Teach them their faith and raise up a generation of faithful that know how to pray. I mean really teach them to pray and know their faith.
As I said in previous episodes. “Do you really think Gods hand is not in all of this?” Of course it is. There is nothing that happens to humanity that God is not allowing to happen.
If we want better we must become better. If we want Christs graces we must serve him first and then go about our day.
See I use to fight all that garbage head on but it got me know where because they are too strong and so I took a different approach. I decided to teach and pray and teach and pray and those that have ears to hear will hear.
What did Mother T Guerin say and lets read it again

Do you think its by happen stance it lines up with the feast day of St Gilad?
Matthew 5:37:

The core message:

The Church traditionally interprets Jesus' words in Matthew 5:37 as a call to sincerity and truthfulness. It emphasizes that our words should be simple, clear, and consistent with our intentions. This means avoiding:

Oaths and exaggerations: The verse was spoken in the context of Jesus critiquing the excessive use of oaths to guarantee the truthfulness of one's words. He teaches that a person's character and integrity should be enough to ensure honesty, without resorting to external validation.
Deception and manipulation: Using complex language, half-truths, or misleading statements to achieve our goals is seen as contrary to Christ's teaching. Our "yes" should truly mean "yes" and our "no" should truly mean "no," reflecting a commitment to authenticity and transparency.
Connection to Christian values:

This teaching is linked to several core Christian values:

Honesty: Christians are called to be truthful in their words and actions, avoiding all forms of deception and manipulation.
Integrity: A person's word should be their bond, reflecting a commitment to living in accordance with their values and beliefs.
Justice: Truthfulness is essential for building just relationships and communities, as it fosters trust and prevents harm.
The role of the evil one:

The phrase "from the evil one" refers to the influence of sin and temptation, which can lead us to dishonesty and manipulation. The Church teaches that we are all susceptible to these influences, but with God's grace and our own efforts, we can strive to live lives of truthfulness and integrity.

Additional points:

The Catholic Church does not see this verse as an absolute prohibition on ever using oaths or making complex statements. There can be legitimate situations where these are necessary, such as in legal proceedings or when providing detailed explanations.
The emphasis remains on the underlying intention and the importance of being truthful in all circumstances.
Drawing upon the wisdom of St. Mother Theodore Guerin, Matthew 5:37, and St. Gildas' "De Excidio et Conquestu Britanniae," we can create a tapestry of action, intention, and hope for the future.

The Seed of Truth:

St. Mother Theodore's words, "Ours is the preparation of the generation that will succeed us," resonate with Matthew 5:37's call for straightforwardness: "But let your yes be yes, and your no be no; for whatever is more than these is from the evil one." In preparing for the next generation, our actions and words hold immense weight. Honesty becomes the fertile ground where the seeds of a better future are sown.

Nourishing the Seed:

St. Gildas, lamenting the moral decline of his time in "De Excidio," serves as a cautionary tale. His words remind us that unchecked dishonesty can lead to societal decay. However, despair is not the answer. He also emphasizes the importance of repentance and renewal, echoing St. Mother Theodore's belief in the power of our present actions to shape the future.

Reaping the Harvest:

St. Mother Theodore's assurance, "You may not live to see it. But you have sown the seed, and your sisters will reap what you have sown," underscores the long-term impact of our choices. We may not witness the full fruition of our efforts, but the seeds of honesty, compassion, and integrity we sow today will nourish the generations to come.

In Conclusion:

By embracing the principles of Matthew 5:37, understanding the historical context provided by St. Gildas, and drawing inspiration from St. Mother Theodore's foresight, we can cultivate a future rooted in truth and goodness. Remember, even the smallest seed, sown with honesty and intention, can blossom into a harvest that benefits generations to come.

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