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Prophet Julie Green - Exposing Informants and Infiltrators in Your Government O United States
In this powerful and prophetic message, God declares a forthcoming era of vindication and justice. He foretells the exposure of corruption, oppression, and the wrongful treatment of His true prophets and leaders, not only in the church but also in the world's governments and high-power positions. The divine promise encompasses a global reset, with God assuring that He holds control over all shifts in power, positions, and resources, emphasizing a redistribution that aligns with His divine plan.
The Lord provides specific keywords hinting at significant future events. He mentions names such as Auschwitz, Catalyst, and Capricorn, which will gain attention for shocking reasons. God alludes to a whistleblower exposing the Global Council of Nations and the United Nations, revealing their malevolent designs on nations, including the United States. The Lord vows to cleanse and dismantle corrupted institutions, from the House of Representatives to the highest echelons of power, ensuring justice and setting the stage for a new era of divine order.
In a final proclamation, God emphasizes the imminent exposure of infiltrators within the United States, foreign influences in its government, and the unraveling of deceitful plans by the Squad in the House of Representatives. The Lord asserts that no wrongdoing against His nation will go unpunished, promising a final fall for those who have betrayed the trust of the people. He concludes with a declaration of cleansing and liberation, heralding a time of shocking events and information that will set His people free.
✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video may be watched here:
Bible References:
Luke 12:2
Luke 8:17
Matthew 10:26
Proverbs 29:2,16
2Corinthians 2:14
Psalm 75:7
Hebrews 10:30
Isaiah 54:17
Proverbs 6:30-31
2Corinthians 4:18
Full Video Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. Today is actually Saturday, January 13th of 2024. You will see this on Wednesday, January 17th, because I'll be traveling to Granite Ridge, Florida for the gathering event with brother Timothy Dixon and so many other speakers and band. I am so excited to be there. And if you want more information regarding that event, you can go to our website at jgminternational.
org under our events. So again, I hope to see each every one of you there are so many people that can join I'm, so excited to meet you all and also if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports Please go to our website at jgm international. org under our contact page Or you can write us at julie green ministries international 46 46 20 East 53rd Street, Suite 200, Davenport, Iowa, 52807.
And we do have a very powerful prayer team here. And I do want you guys to know that we do pray over these prayer requests and we do love and appreciate each and every one of you and just know you are not alone. Because we are standing with you regarding whatever it is, miracle signs and wonders, your healing restoration of your family.
God answers prayers. He wants you to know that you are important to him, that he loves you, that he has handpicked you. For this very moment in time, no matter what's going on in your life, it will change because God is that change. So just hold on tight. Hold on to God. God's in control. God wins. He's already won the battle for you and I.
And we just need to receive our victory in Christ Jesus. So I want you to say today and every day that I am free. I want you to say today and every day that God wins. I want you to say today and every day that you are a world overcomer and nothing is impossible for your God. He is your father and he dwells on the inside of you.
So think upon that. And know that God is never going to leave you and he's never going to forsake you. And you are very special in the sight of almighty God because you are his child. So also before I get to this powerful prophetic word that I'm very excited to get to today, If you want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to threesonsthreads.
com. That's threesonsthreads. com. And yes, there is God's Wins now. There is long sleeve shirts. I know there's other God Wins products that are coming, but there's so many other things in God's Army, which is one of my favorites. And also America Needs God and so many other others you can find out. Again, you can go to 3sunsthreads.
com. And you can find all the information, our website, our address, the merchandise. You can go to the description box below. And that is where all the, all that information is in all those links are provided. And also after I get done with these, my team goes over them and then they write down the scriptures that were given.
On the daily broadcast and so give it time I know because pre records are a little bit different than live stream So give it time and I know the team works so hard on doing that. They're so amazing. I I never asked them to do that But in the description box, you can go to all these live shows and see they put the All the the scriptures that were given and of course, they're encouraging words of the marching orders Whatever it is.
They put that in there. So it's a great tool They're doing this for you In order for you to know what god is speaking to have these scriptures down into your heart Get them in front of your face on a daily basis and remember that god is faithful To perform his word. So that is all the announcements I have for today.
Now, this prophetic word is called exposing informants and infiltrators in your government. Oh, United States. Now I heard this prophetic word on January 5th of 2024. Again, this name or this title of this prophetic word again is called exposing informants and infiltrators in your government, O United States.
My children, I'm telling you in these days, there shall be great vindication, a vindication of my name, a vindication of who I really am, a vindication of my true prophets, a vindication of my true leaders of my church body or my church and the church body, excuse me, a vindication of world leaders. Judges, politicians, heads of state, people in high powerful positions that I have called who have been wrongfully accused and treated horrendously.
Some have lost everything, some lost their lives, but in this day, great vindication. I am serving great justice in the land, but in all nations of the earth, my children, I am is vindicating you upon this earth and the wicked will no longer suppress you or your callings. And your assignments, but they also can no longer hold back what belongs to you.
Inventions stolen businesses, political positions, media positions. They have stolen your jobs, your livelihoods, your tax money. They have deceived so many of my children out of what rightfully there's been there's all along all corruption, oppression control by these so called leaders, their time is coming to a rapid close.
In an abrupt end, your enemy's time is running out. So my children hold tight for this shift of power, a shift of positions, a shift of control, a shift of money, a shift of everything that belongs in the hands of my children to suddenly change hands because of my hand is the one moving everything and giving it to it rightfully.
A great reset is happening, but it's, it's mine, not theirs, says the Lord of hosts. Quad,
this word will be in your news for a significant reason. High crimes and misdemeanors, I say this again, will be in your news. Get used to hearing this. All the proof is about to hit the public's view, and many people are about to pay. In a big way. Auschwitz, this name will be in your news for a shocking reason.
Catalyst, I say this word again because it will be in your news for a shocking reason. It will get people's attention on why it is so important.
Capricorn, this word will be in your news for a surprising reason. Secrets are being hidden about what is really going on in the Mediterranean Sea. But those things that are trying to hide will be released, and the world will know what is really going on that will bring a great shock to many nations.
The Global Council of Nations is about to be exposed in a major way. They were not there to help nations, but to tear them apart for their reset. But I in the one in control, not them, a whistleblower is about to come forward to destroy the UN and what they stand for, and why they have been, what they have been doing to weaken this nation and to destroy it financially.
To destroy it politically, to destroy its status throughout the world and what the United States should have been all along. Deep operative moves have been going on since the beginning. To expose the design and the mission of the UN. And now is the time for the dismantling of it before the world.
Howard, this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. Oh United States, you have been infiltrated by many foreign nations. They've infiltrated your government. And the establishment has allowed them in. I'm about to expose every informant and every infiltrator. No one will get away with what they have done against my nation.
The squad in your House of Representatives, I am tearing it apart, oh United States, and showing you how they got those seats who paid for them to be there, including foreign governments. And how they stole elections and are, and are given highly classified information to them to sell you out. Well, the time has come for their final fall and the end to their plans.
Sayeth the Lord.
My children, I am cleaning out your house. I am cleaning out your Senate. I am cleaning out the White House, your Supreme Court, and many courts, and many state leaders all over this nation. I am removing the filth once and for all. It's all about to end. So get ready for shocking events and shocking information to overtake the airwaves to set you free.
Sayeth the Lord. Your redeemer. Now, this last paragraph here, the Lord had me put in bold, shocking events and shocking information to overtake the airwaves to set you free. This is a year of truth to explode like a volcano that's erupting. Or like, just like he said, their dam of lies is breaking and truth is about to flood.
This nation and the nations around the world. Great truth is being told information. Things have been hidden and obscured for our view. Things have been going on and not only the United States of America, but it has been going on in many nations all over the world, these globalists, these elitists have done things against each and every one of us for their global agenda.
And what we have to do is to know the truth. And that's exactly why God is giving us these prophecies and these prophetic words is because prophecy is God's news before the news. He's warning us before these things happen. So we are prepared. So we know what to do so we don't panic and we don't get in fear.
God will always give us a heads up. You would say, I guess he always gives us a heads up and he always tells us what things are going to come to pass. So we are prepared with his word and we are prepared with him. God doesn't want us to be caught off guard because if people are caught off guard, then they get into fear.
They get into worry. They get into doubt. They get into unbelief. They get into panic and they won't know what to do. And they won't know how to handle a situation. They won't know how to fight back and they won't have that truth on the inside of them. That is setting them free. So they're not deceived, distracted, or destroyed.
And that is why God says in his word, the truth will set you free. I also have a few more scriptures that I do want to get to you today before I go back over this prophetic word. And the first one is Luke chapter 12, because a lot of people don't think. That any of this stuff is going to come to light.
They don't think that this truth is going to come out. They don't think anything's going to be done. They don't think justice is going to be served. And they don't think these people will be held accountable for all the injustice and for all these criminal acts that they have, they have committed against this nation, all the treason they have committed against this nation and against the American people.
But God is saying every lie will be revealed. The truth is going to be revealed to the public about everything that has been going on. So again, Luke chapter 12 and verse two, Luke chapter 12 and verse two, nothing is so closely covered up that it will not be revealed or hidden that it will not be known.
So our enemies have hidden stolen elections. They've hidden the truth about our constitution. And our own freedoms and the right, our laws and justice. We have not known certain things because they've been trying to cover it up. The Washington establishment truly wants you to believe that they're in control.
They truly want you to believe that there's nothing that you can do about it. We're just peasants. In this land that our voices are not counting and they don't even care if our voices ever get heard, but that is not the truth. They also want you to believe that they're in complete power and that there's more of them than there is of us just because they're shouting louder and they have the news media on their side, but they're, they know, and we should know that we are greater in number.
And not only are we greater in number, we are definitely greater in strength. Because we have almighty God living on the inside of us. So of course we have greater strength because we have the greater one Elohim the creator of heaven and earth The the most high god he dwells on the inside of us and he has given us his name above every name He's given us his word and his word is truth and his word is a sword of the spirit Which is the weapon that is formed against our enemies and there's nothing that they can do about it But you have to know this truth.
So it does set you free And a lot of people, again, they think nothing is going to be done about anything that's happening right now, that we are seeing. They think all hell is breaking loose and nothing's being done, but that's farthest, the farthest thing from the truth. Because when all hell is breaking loose, and it looks darker, God is doing something, God is on the move, and his light is going to shine even brighter and destroy that darkness, and he will be seen by the world, and he will get the world's attention on who he truly is.
So I want to read this again Luke 12 and verse two, nothing is so closely covered up that will not be revealed. Or hidden, it will not be known. They have hidden many things from the public's eye. And the public information. They've been trying to cover up all these things. Why do you think they have the news media?
They have the FBI, they have the CIA, they have the NSA. In our country alone, they've had people in our government. They have people in our Supreme Court. They have people in the state levels. They have people everywhere. To cover up their crimes, to cover up the lawlessness, to cover up the injustice, to cover up all these things that they are doing so they can get away with it.
They have people strategically that have been infiltrating this nation and our government for years. And God is saying all this information is going to be exposed. Nothing that they have done is not going to stay covered up. It will all be made known. I want to read another scripture to back that up.
Luke eight,
Luke eight in verse 17. And I have another one in Matthew after that. Luke eight 17
for nothing is secret that will not be revealed nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light in the amplified version. That was a new King James. In the Amplified version, it's very similar. There is nothing hidden that shall not be disclosed, nor anything secret that shall not be made known, and come into the open.
Remember what God keeps telling us, that they keep doing things behind closed doors? Well, God's gonna open those doors, and God's gonna reveal all their plots, plans, and schemes, and everything they have done, and everything that they were planning to do. Because again, God is the one in control. He's the alpha, omega, beginning, the end.
He knows everything. He's omnipotent. He's everywhere. He knows all, sees all. They can't hide anything from him. And that's why he said, I have infiltrated infiltrators, because he knew exactly who was gonna be a part of it. He knew exactly what they were gonna do. So he put his people in there, secretly, so he could have all this information.
God says he has it all, but he wanted us to have it all. So we strategically put people in places of deep covert operations that we had no about again God is the one in control. I want to read another scripture Matthew 10 Matthew 10 and verse 26
Okay, Matthew 10 26 says So have no fear of them, for nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, or kept secret that will not become known. So don't be afraid of them, what, your enemies, why? Don't be afraid of them, don't fear them, for nothing is concealed that will not be revealed or kept secret that will not be known, become known.
So God is telling us. That's three scriptures alone right there that he's telling us that everything that has been in the darkness Everything that's been behind closed doors everything that has been buried everything that has been they thought and deleted or destroyed all that evidence all that proof is gonna be Known because God says he has it all and he made sure that people that are on his side that are working with Almighty God they have it all God says he said it more than once he has it all of course he does No one's gonna outsmart God.
So of course God has it all. I want to read another scripture. Go to Proverbs 29. Proverbs 29.
Proverbs 29 in verse 2. Proverbs 29 in verse 2. When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. But when wicked men rules, The people grown. We're in that part where wicked men have been in control. And yes, people are groaning because they've been under oppression. They've been under such suppression.
They have been under such a darkness, a heaviness, a weight. They've been under stealing and oppression so hard and so harsh that people don't see the light. They don't see the way out. They get, or they're becoming so hopeless and they have the full of such despair that nothing's going to change. They're not looking for any change.
But God is our change. God is our hope. God is our way maker. He's the way out of all of this that we're going through. God is our way maker. God is our advocate. He's our standby. He is the one, he said, vengeance is mine, remember? And I'm going to go over that word, the prophetic word here in a second. And he talks about how vindication.
God has not left us in the situation that we're in. But look, when the righteous are in authority, The people rejoice. Well, of course, why? Because righteousness and justice are ruling. That means God is ruling. He's the one in control. And so that's why we have to put God back in politics. We have to put God back in our government because we put God in our government.
You have truth. You have justice. You have peace. You have life, you have blessing and everything good. If you take God out, that is a reason why we're in the situation we're in
now. And also read Proverbs 29 and verse 16, Proverbs 29 and 16. He says when the wicked are in authority, transgression increases. We all know that, but the uncompromisingly righteous shall see the fall of the wicked. You know, God's been talking about the fall, the fall of all these evil people. And when I, when he showed me, I literally opened up the Bible.
I didn't know what scriptures he wanted me to read today. And he opened, he had me open it to Proverbs 29. And these are the scriptures he showed me. It was like a, just like. It magnified out at me. And these are the scriptures that he wanted known to us today. Now, look, I'm going to read that again.
Proverbs 29 and verse 16, when the wicked are in authority, transgression increases. But now again, he's talking about the negative first, but he says, but it's a conjunction where he's not done talking, but The uncompromisingly righteous shall see the fall of the wicked. We shall see the fall of the wicked.
That means it's guaranteed. We are going to see the fall of the wicked. It's scriptural. And so when people tell you, well, that's never going to happen, really? Because I can tell you many different scriptures in the Bible that's contrary to that and God is always a hope He's always gonna give you a report He's always gonna give you the news because God's Word is the good news and God will always give you a victorious ending He will always give you a victorious ending because he always caused us to triumph He says that in 2nd Corinthians 2 and 14.
He always leads us into a triumphant victory. That means there's always hope Hope and there's always victory as, as the end result. So when people tell you that it's not going to be that way, it's a lie from the pit of hell. Satan wants you to be in hopelessness. He wants you to be in despair. He wants you to give up.
He wants you to quit. He doesn't want you to fight back. He doesn't want you to know the truth because that sets you free. That's why it's so important to know the truth. So when all this happens, all this comes about, you know, it's a lie and you won't fall for that lie.
Okay. Now I'm going to start going over this prophetic word again, because I do have another video I have to make here shortly. And then I have an appointment after that. So I want to make sure I get all this information out to you. So this is the first paragraph. Now the God mentions vindication in this one paragraph.
Let's see here. One, two, three. Okay. Hold on 6, 7, and the next paragraph he talks about again, that's eight times. So eight times I see right now in this prophetic word and he says the word vindication. So, or vindicating, I'm going to look that up. Because when he says a word more than once, it gets my attention, which it could, it should really get anybody's attention.
But let's look at the word vindication. The action of clearing someone of blame or suspicion, proof that someone or something is right, reasonable, or. Justified. What does it mean to have vindication? The fact of proving that someone is not guilty or is free from blame after other people have blamed them.
Well, we've been praying for great vindication when it comes to president Donald Donald Trump and other things that they're doing against him. And God is proving that these things are falling apart. All these indictments, which God said. Prophetically, he said all these things were going to fall apart.
And again, it's because God is the one. He's a judge over all the earth. He's the one that tears down one and brings up another. That is Psalm 75 in verse 7. There is no, nothing, no thing. Nothing or no thing that the enemies are doing that they're going to get away with these are the days of payment What they're meaning against President Trump what they're meaning against us is going to blow back on them Because it's see time and harvest that is a natural law is a spiritual law and they will get their their harvest of what they have Sown they will reap what they have sown and God is saying he's gonna vindicate us He's gonna vindicate he's gonna make things right and remember what it says in Hebrews 10 Hebrews 10 And verse 30, Hebrews 10 and verse 30 says,
I could quote it, but I'm not going to. Vengeance. For we know him who said, Vengeance is mine, retribution and meting out of full justice. God is a God of justice. He wants full justice, not partial justice and injustice that we've been seeing throughout this land and around the world. It's not going to stay that way because God is justice.
He will turn it around. He says, I will repay. I will exact the compensation, said the Lord. And again, the Lord will judge. He says judgment. He will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause and the cases of his people. God is the ultimate judge. All right. Now let's go over this prophetic word. My children.
I'm telling you in these days. There shall be great vindication Again, God is making things right everything that has been wrong God is making right because God is the God of justice guys the God of truth and God is not going to allow Evil to ever prosper it says in Isaiah 54 17 no weapon formed against us No weapon formed against you shall prosper.
I'm saying that no weapon formed against us. So no matter what the enemy is doing, they have been forming many weapons, governmental and all these different things against us, including war and viruses and economies and everything else. And God said, no weapon. It looks like it has been formed against us and it's prospered, but it's not because God always has a final say it's not the end yet.
And when you see the end, you know, God's going to make everything right. Because he said, that's what he's going to do. He says. I'm telling you these days, there shall be a great vindication, a vindication of my name. So God obviously is gonna clear his own name because he is been lied about. There are people that have been giving a version of God and it's not really who God truly is.
So he is vindicating his own name and he says, a vindication of who I really am. That means the great I am is who he is talking about. He says, a vindication of my true prophets because we know there's false ones. The false ones are also anti-Christ people, they're not. People have misled people with false prophets.
But anyway, vindication of my true prophets, a vindication of my true leaders of my church and the church body, vindication of world leaders. Judges, politicians, heads of state, people in high powerful positions, that I have called who have been wrongfully accused, treated horrendously, and some lost everything and some lost their lives, but in this day, great vindication.
I want to give you another scripture too, because people have to realize when the thief has been caught, these people have been stealing from us. Stealing our freedoms, stealing our health, stealing truth about our governments. They've been stealing what's rightfully belongs to us. And what has God said when a thief has been caught?
We know they've been stealing elections, we're seeing it. Go to Proverbs in verse 6. How people can say, when a thief has been caught, oh, they got caught, they've caused damages and there's nothing that's going to be done about it. Well, that's not scriptural at all. And that's not justice. And then one of the things on the foundation of Almighty God and His throne is justice.
It's a foundation of his throne. So that's not God. God would not just allow injustice to keep going. Proverbs 6, verse 31. But if he is found out, he must restore seven times what he has stolen. He must give the substance of his house if necessary to meet the fine. I'll read verse 30 also. Sorry, I should have read verse 30 and 31.
Men do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is hungry. That's Proverbs 6, verse 30. So we're talking about thieves here. We're talking about people that have been stolen nations. They're stealing elections. They're stealing freedoms. They're stealing justice. They're stealing our rights and what rightfully belongs to us.
They've been caught. And God says men do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he's hungry. But if he's found out he must restore, he isn't say he might, or every once in a while says he must, that means he's forcibly going to have to restore it. He must restore seven times. So not even just giving back what he's stolen, but he's got to give it back seven times as much as he's stolen.
He must give the whole substance of his house if necessary to meet the fine. Everything stolen will be given back. Even natural man's laws. Okay, in our, in our country, say for instance, you're a jewelry thief and you steal a whole bunch of jewels and diamonds out of a jewelry store. If you're caught, you have to give back what you stole.
I mean, duh, but why wouldn't that be with anything else? God is a just God. He will make a thief give back what he has stolen and make him pay back even more. And the thief is our adversary and everyone he uses. So he says, I am serving a great justice. God is the God of justice in this land, but in all nations of the earth, my children.
I am, I think that's the great I am, is vindicating you upon this earth and the wicked will no longer suppress you or your callings or your assignments But they also can no longer hold back what belongs to you Inventions, stolen businesses, political positions, media positions. They have stolen your jobs, your livelihoods, your tax money They have deceived so many of my children out of what rightfully rightfully theirs all along Again, yes, that's Proverbs 6 in 31, and he says all corruption, oppression, and control by, and these, and the control by these so called leaders, their time is coming to a rapid close and abrupt end.
Your enemy's time is running out. So my children hold tight. He's been telling us hold tight to what his word he said hold tight for the shift of power a shift of positions a Shift of control a shift of money a shift of everything that belongs in the hands of my children to suddenly change hands because my hand is the one moving everything and giving it to it rightfully belongs to a Great reset is happening, but it's mine But it's but it's mine not theirs say at the Lord of hosts.
So I'll get that right. So again, he's saying that their corruption, their oppression, their control by these so called leaders, their time is coming to a rapid close and abrupt end. He said our time, our enemy's time is running out. And remember it says in second Corinthians four and 18, it says things that are seen are temporary.
They're subject to change. They have an expiration date. They can't last forever. So what we're seeing is not going to last forever. Again, all this is scriptural. And they said that's why, that's why I love the fact that not only this guy gave his prophetic words, but he has me do great teachings in length that I didn't even know what he's gonna teach.
I didn't even have some of these scriptures in my heart or written down. I only gave the, I gave four of them that I had written down. The rest is I'm telling you, God is giving us all these information, all this revelation order for us to hold on and for us to have this truth. And so we know that we are not going to be moved and we won't be deceived into believing a lie and giving into what they're about to do.
They're about to do something. That's going to seriously feel like the world's going to turn upside down.
I already told you, I think it was on last week. So it was, it was last week, Friday. Well, for me, it was yesterday for you. It was last week about this, you know, new disease X that they're talking about. This is an election year. Don't be surprised what they try to do. So again, he said a great reset is happening, but it's mine.
Now they want their reset. And I think there was a prophetic word. I don't know if I've given it out yet, or I will be giving it out soon. What they wanted for the next 10 years. Yeah, I think I will be giving it out here in this next couple of days. What they wanted for the next 10 years. They're going to try to complete it all this year.
They're that desperate. But again, that's not to put anybody in panic. That's not to get anybody upset and get weary. That's to let you know, I was warning you. And God said, I'm going to control it. I'm going to destroy it. He's destroying it. He's the one who's got us in control. Not them. Then he said, quad.
Now I got to go back to that reset. God's reset is, and people have to understand they want total global dominance. Well, their global government, their global currency, their global religion, their one world religion. This is what they want right now. It's not that time. And even when it is time in the book of revelation, they're still not going to get it all.
They don't get the, all the control of the whole world. They never get world dominance. Because I never the enemy never is a successful in every plan that he has but God's reason is Everything that was in the hands of the wicked He's putting back in God's people's hands and he's showing them about all the authority that they have in this earth and the truth It's gonna be there's gonna be great revival.
The truth is gonna be known. There's people gonna be free revival There's going to be a great awakening There's gonna be great revival fires everywhere because of the greatest harvest of souls That's what God is saying. Good is going to be in control once again been seen it's always been in control But now we're gonna be able to experience that so God's great reset He's removing all the globalists from their positions of power.
He's removing all of their economy He's removing all those things that they have done and he's flipping this He's flipping the script and he's giving it back to God's people now quad. I thought this was interesting. It's Q UAD And I thought, okay, Lord Quad, but yes, he said, this word will be in your news for a significant reason.
So when he gives me the type, these types of things that are odd to me, there's a reason these words like this he gives in prophecy and then we'll see him in the news. Then he says, high crimes and misdemeanors. I say this again, it'll be in your news. Great. Get used to hearing this high crimes and misdemeanors.
Look that up. You'll be excited. Get used to hearing this. All the proof is about to hit the public's view and many people are about to pay in a big way. All right, I wasn't going to for the sake of time, but okay.
All right, we'll look it up. High crimes and misdemeanors. The charge of high crimes and misdemeanors covers allegations of misconduct by officials.
That means, you know, to me, treason. The high crimes and misdemeanors were a category of political crimes against the state, whereas misdemeanors describe criminal sanctions for private wrongs. The definition for high crime, a major crime or wrongdoing, notably one subject to trial before the highest court, which may impose the gravest of punishments.
God keeps talking about treason. So all right now, then Auschwitz, now Auschwitz, I know was one of the concentration camps over in Germany. During world war two. So he said that this name is gonna be in news for a shocking reason So there's obviously things that are gonna come out regarding that what that is I I don't know what that is, but God is going to reveal to us and it will be shocking Catalyst now he's used this word a few different times.
I don't know how many at least three or four I don't know for sure. I know he's used it more than once Catalyst, I say this word again because it will be in your news for a shocking reason and it will get people's attention on why it's so important. So catalyst and then the word Capricorn will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Now listen to this. Now he had me put this in bold. Secrets are being hidden about what is really going on in the Mediterranean Sea. But those things are trying they're trying to hide will be released and the world will know what is really going on That will bring a great shock to many nations So they're hiding things in the mediterranean sea and there's there's a fight going on Guy's been talking about the mediterranean sea for over two years He's talked about look at the mediterranean sea watch what's gonna happen mediterranean sea pay attention when they mention the mediterranean sea He's mentioned Go look at our website jgm international.
org under our prophecy page And just put in mediterranean sea and see how many things come up. It's a lot But something shocking is going to be revealed and it's going to shock the nations. Something that's been hidden in the Mediterranean Sea. Now the Global Council of Nations is about to be exposed in a major way.
They are, they were not there to help nations, but they're there to tear them apart for their reset. But I am the one in control. So they have the World Economic Forum. They have the WHO. They have the UN. They have all the, you know, they have apparently this Global Council of Nations I didn't even know existed.
And he says the Global Council of Nations is about to be exposed. He's gonna expose everything and then in the next paragraph he talks about exposing the UN. This is not the first time he's mentioned the UN. He's mentioned it a lot. And so they're going to be dismantled is what he's saying. A whistleblower is about to come forward to destroy the UN and what they stood for and what they had been doing to weaken this nation and to destroy it financially, to destroy it politically, to destroy its status throughout the world and what the United States should have been all along.
Deep. Now, listen, he put this in bold as well. Deep operative moves have been going on since the beginning to expose the design and the mission of the UN and now is the time for the dismantling of it before the world. God is destroying the United Nations.
Then he says, Howard, this name will be in your news for a surprising reason. I don't know why, but he said the name Howard. And then he says, Oh, United States, you have been infiltrated by many foreign nations. They have allowed info they, they have infiltrated your government. The establishment has allowed in.
Now the Washington establishment has allowed foreign governments, infiltrators, and informants into our government and into our country to weaken us, to financially break us, to destroy our, our superpower across the world, destroy our, us financially in any way. They've been bringing people in on purpose and God's exposing us.
I'm about to expose every informant and every infiltrator. No one will ever get away with what they have done against my nation. No one will ever get away with what they've done against my nation. No. God is a God of justice. Then he says, and then he gets more in depth about what's going on. Now there is a, like four people or five people, six people.
I don't even know who they are. I don't pay attention to them. The squad, that's what they're called. They're in our house of representatives. He says, I am tearing it apart. Oh, United States and showing you how they got those seats who paid for them. People paid for these women, the squad to be in these seats in the house of representatives.
They did not win these elections. They did not win these elections at all. Now, what were they paid by foreign including foreign governments and world leaders and how they stole elections. So they were paid to get in there. They stole his elections and they were in the squad for return. For giving all for getting these seats and for being paid to be there in the House of Representatives, they are giving these world leaders and foreign governments highly classified information to sell us out.
The squad is selling us out. They're giving high classified information to foreign governments and world leaders to destroy us and weaken our country. And God is saying he is dismantling it. He's destroying it. He's exposing it. And they, I'm telling you, treason will be their end because he's been mentioned that a lot.
He says, well, the time has come for their fall and they end to their plans. Say it the Lord again. God is justice period. The end. And what these people have done is disgusting. And God is fed up with it, just like he was with Pharaoh in the book of Exodus. He says, My children, I am cleaning out your house, I am cleaning out your Senate, I am cleaning out the White House, your Supreme Court, and many courts, many state leaders all over this nation.
I am removing the filth, once and for all, it's all about to end, so get ready for shocking events, shocking information, to overtake the airwaves, to set you free, sayeth the Lord, your Redeemer. Now again, the reason why you see me and I get upset because I have just, I love justice because I know God loves justice and I hate seeing injustice.
I hate seeing people and stealing our country, stealing our elections, stealing us of trying to destroy us globally. I love this country because I love God and I know this is God's nation. I know Israel is God's nation and it's hard for me to see people in these positions doing what they're doing and stay there for us.
I love justice. It just puts like a fire in me to fight for truth and to stand for freedom. And that's God. I wonder for my whole entire life why I was so about fairness and so about justice. That's because God put it in there. And what we have to do is we have to stand and fight for what is rightfully ours.
This is a time to not back off. This is a time to fight like we've never fought before. Not give in and never quit. What God's been telling us, never surrender. Well, I want to pray for each and every one of you today. Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name, I just want to thank and praise you for every person that's watching, Heavenly Father, and they're listening to the sound of my voice.
I want to thank you that they are Fighters, I want to thank you that they realize that the lion of the tribe of Judah lives on the inside of them, that they are not, they are not weak, that they are not failures, that they are not quitters. And no matter what the enemy is trying to tell about an impossible situation, that it's wrong and it's a lie.
They are more than conquerors of the blood of Jesus Christ. They have more strength because father God, you are our strength. I thank you, father God. They are not full of so much anguish and depression and heaviness because you are their joy. You are their peace. You father god turn their mourning into joy right now in the name of jesus christ I thank you for turning around the situations.
I thank you for showing yourself so strong on their behalf And I thank you father god for all you've done in this nation all you're doing in nations around the world For all you're doing for us, father, God, and all you are about to do that. We haven't seen it yet. We thank you for these red sea moments.
We thank you that the power of the shift of power is happening. We thank you for justice being served. We thank you for vindication. We thank you that vengeance is yours. We thank you that you're in control. And I thank you, father, God, that we all are more awakened to the fact that you are in control and our enemies are not.
So no one ever gets into panic and or ever gets in fear because you were in control and you are near. And we thank you father god for it in jesus name. Amen. And amen. You are in the army of the lord You are more than a conqueror you have more strength In you than you realize because god is there become more god inside minded Realize that God will never leave you, He will never forsake you, and He has great things in store for you.
So I hope this encourages you today. Please like, subscribe, and share. Give this to everyone you know. Who needs to hear an encouraging word? Who needs to hear the truth? Because the truth will set you free. God loves you. I love you. God bless you, and have a wonderful day.
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