The Public Access Podcast 525 - Beyond the Ropes: Daniel Riley's Odyssey

1 year ago

The Public Access Podcast 525 - Beyond the Ropes: Daniel Riley's Odyssey

In this gripping episode of the Public Access Podcast, Rusty Diamond sits down with wrestler Daniel Riley, delving into Riley's journey from backyard wrestling to the independent circuit. Riley shares hair-raising tales of their early training in Bronx schools and risky matches in Brooklyn parks, attributing these experiences to their development as a wrestler. The conversation touches on Riley's inspirations from iconic wrestlers like Eddie Guerrero, childhood fandom of WWE and WCW, and aspirations for international matches, providing listeners with an insightful glimpse into the world of professional wrestling.

- Introduction and guest introduction @ 0:00
- Backyard wrestling stories and training @ 3:30
- Wrestling influences and early fandom @ 45:10
- Career goals and future aspirations @ 52:30

**Connect with Daniel Riley:**
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- Instagram:
- Twitter:

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