"Funny Cat Fail"

7 years ago

"Viral animal videos are mostly containing cats or dogs doing funny stuff with or without their owners, beside all other animals that can be amusing too. Cats are so good, but solitary hunters and they love chasing things that move. It is in their nature to communicate with a special body language. They can sleep from 12 to 16 hours daily, but during their active period they will make your house a mess if that is what they feel like doing. Cats are simply the most hilarious pets you can ever have. This little white kitten looks so cute chasing its own tail thinking that she will somehow catch it. The kitty really enjoys doing this, like in fact, all cats do. While she tries to catch her cute gray fluffy tail, she spins in circles. After a few seconds, she loses her balance and falls down from the living room chair, between the furniture."

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