Covid Vaccines and Multiple Sclerosis: Dr John Campbell

8 months ago

Dr John Campbell discussing a paper which appeared last year on the World Health Organization's Covid-19 Research Database, titled "Covid-19 vaccination can induce multiple sclerosis via cross-reactive CD4+ T-cells recognizing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and myelin peptides". The paper, as Dr Campbell hinted may happen, has since disappeared from the WHO database, which is here:

He also explains that he is "allowed to talk about this paper". This is in direct reference to You Tube removing any material which breaches the "Trusted News Initiative" (TNI), which they belong to. The TNI is a media collaboration involved in "protecting the vaccine", censoring information which threatens the "safe and effective" reputation of the Covid so-called "vaccines".

Dr Campbell describes in lay-friendly terms how the presence of artificial Covid spike protein, being produced for an unknown period of time within the cells of individuals who were administered a genetic injection, can lead to an attack on the myelin sheaths protecting nerve fibres in the central nervous system. Those who received a non-genetic Covid injection also have spike protein circulating in their bloodstream for an unknown, likely shorter, period of time.

This is a far more likely occurrence following injection of spike protein, or of genetic material leading to production of spike protein, than it is following inhalation of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that can cause Covid disease. Inhaled virus meets immune defenses in the respiratory tract, which in most cases (except those with inadequate immune health) stops the virus from entering the circulation.

Soon after Dr Campbell's video dated 29 May 2023, AP News "fact checked" the article, concluding:
"The research found there might be a potential link to COVID vaccines, but did not definitively conclude the shots triggered the neurological disease, according to the global health agency and multiple sclerosis experts. One of the research authors also stressed COVID infection carries a higher risk of triggering MS than the COVID vaccine."

Even if this were true, the "vaccine" is still contra-indicated given that the more doses a person receives, the more likely they are to become infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for Covid disease. Read more here:

AP News belong to Project Syndicate, a media collaboration of over 500 outlets intending to disseminate the "news" as widely as possible. Read about them, including their financial supporters such as Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, World Bank Group, European Climate Foundation and Google Digital News Initiative, here:

Powerful oligarchs, most of whom are somehow benefiting from the pharmaceutical industry's hold over society, now control most legacy media across the globe.

Similarly, the World Health Organization were once funded entirely by member states who determined health programs based on need, which focused on vulnerable populations in the poorest regions of the world. For the past two decades this funding structure has changed, with voluntary donations taking over member state contributions, such that most funding now comes from private and corporate interests "investing" in WHO in order to earn profits. Product sales are now the main focus of WHO, over protecting vulnerable populations from the worst health issues that they face. Products which can be recommended to entire populations, such as face masks, vaccines, preventative medications and indoor ventilation machinery, are by far the most profitable.

It is imperative that WHO's attempt to introduce international laws placing them in a position of global governance are effectively rejected. Read more about these plans and the opposition movement, here:


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