"When Your Friends Laugh AT YOU, Not WITH YOU"

7 years ago

"This is basically me when I say something (that I never intended to be funny) and my friends and/ or family laugh at it. I mean seriously though, it could be a real tricky situation because, on one hand, you’re all like “wait, what… that wasn’t a joke” and on the other hand, you’re like “wait for a second, I just made a funny, maybe I should roll with it and go for the closing punchline”. Let’s break this video down ESPN style: the most adorable chunky little toddler you will ever see sits in front of the window of the family’s French door. Behind the door, we have a group of older family members watching the toddler struggle to get to the other side. The group behind the door begin LAUGHING like crazy as the toddler presses her face up against the front window, desperately trying to eat or claw her way into the next room. Meanwhile, the group behind the door continues LAUGHING. This frustrates the persistent toddler, so she pushes herself away from the front window and starts to whine… but only for a split second. What happens in that split she sits back whining? This is when the toddler decides, “you know what? A laugh is a laugh and I love making people laugh… so I am going to do that face pressed up against the wall bit again.” Watch the clip and share your stories in the comment section below! Remember to keep those cameras safely rolling! UPLOAD YOUR VIDEO NOW: http://www.afv.com/upload"

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