On Death and Dying of Laughter

1 year ago

Gary nearly dies of laughter just a few minutes into this episode. (It may help with the listening audience that “scrapers” = “skid marks,” at least where Gary grew up.) Benjamin Franklin wrote, “…in this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes.” Well, we’re not talking about taxes (yet), but we will be talking caskets, dead people being castrated for in a way that would make Julia Child retch (wretch that she was). Chris puts forth a hypothesis that could explain why suicide rates are increasing, and yet another to explain overeating, overdrinking, and screwing up our lives in general. These alone can explain a lot of stupid things in this world, and we think you should listen and weigh in. Just for fun, Gary adds a bit of a riff on what might happen if you cross an episode of Perry Mason with a very unpleasant diabetes drug side effect.

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Stupid Music ©2023 Timothy Rasmussen: https://www.instagram.com/txmbrr_music/

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