1933 & The New World Order

8 months ago

This world is controlled by a dark satanic cult

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It's not a coincidence 1933 was also the year Hitler rose to power, the Nazis were also Satanists and Zionists, after all it was in Bavaria on 1st May 1776 that Adam Weishaupt started the Illuminati as said in this video. This is all ties in with Zionism, Paganism, and anyone awake should now realise why Hitler's father being a Rothschild is a zionist, and the father of Klaus Schwab also a Nazi and a zionist. George H W Bush...his father Prescott Bush...his real name being Scherff, a Nazi. So now you should be drawing parallels...Bolsheviks had Kulags, Nazis had Concentration Camps, and Zionists in the UNITED STATES CROWN CORPORATION have FEMA Camps...are you awake yet? It's all the same Khazarian communist marxist satanic dark entity, same evil, different jackets. Any students today preaching Marxism are the dumbest of the dumb, brainwashed by the marxist sleepers that have been placed in the Rockefeller/Carnegie Education System for years. There's still time to wake up and rectify your poor discernment, because I can assure you that if global communism comes the cabal will not want stupid people to survive, unless they are jabbed with a genetic bioweapon and connected to the internet of things. Otherwise you'll be seen as 'expendable containers' or 'useless eaters' and your purpose will have been spent.

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