1/30/24 The Gospel of Christ or Sympathy for the Devil? "Marx and the Church" part 2 S3E2p2

1 year ago

1/30/24 The Gospel of Christ or Sympathy for the Devil? "Marx and the Church" part 2
Today’s show title, “The Gospel of Christ or Sympathy for the Devil?” refers to the article we will discuss today; but it also gets to the heart of the conflict between Christianity and Marxist ideology: it seeks to invert all the foundations of the faith through a lens of victimhood, and to recast sin as virtue and vice-versa. It has long been a pillar of Marxist thought that no revolution can succeed as long as Christianity and traditional family dynamics remain dominant; and so God’s own people learn to call good evil, and evil good. What a mess! Today on Something’s Happening Here, we look at the origins of so-called “cultural Marxism” and study from Scripture why it must wage war on the church in order to survive.

This week on our second episode of Season Four we’re tackling what some have called the church’s greatest enemy for more than a hundred years now: Marxism in all its forms.

Season 4 Episode 2
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