AI Robots Artificial Intelligence IS the wave of our future. 3D printer of the 5 vital Human organs?

8 months ago

AI Robots Artificial Intelligence IS the wave of our future. The 3D printer of the 5 vital Human organs wont be!
Think of it when the human brain is put on a hard drive then put into an AI robot you could live FOREVER!
As an AI robot there will be NO need to breathe, piss or crap, eat, drink or sleep. NO need for any of the vary FLAWED God given organs period. matter FACT you will be a super Humanoid & will be able to out preform ALL humans & do it way longer then any human could! what do you think Stephen Hawking would say about the AI robot replacement of his God made FLAWED system!?
Stephen Hawking: Most of his life was spent in a wheelchair crippled by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a form of motor neurone disease that attacks the nerves controlling voluntary movement.
Avatar but FOR REAL & FORGOOD! just saying!
AI robots to explore ALL worlds & ALL lakes & body's of liquid not just Mars or the moon but way, Way, WAY beyond those planets & moons. without the need for food, water or oxygen.
I wounder if we have a metal that could withstand LAVA? maybe the AI robot could even swim in LAVA? we did send a space craft near the sun but could not go too close to the sun as to NOT melt that space craft.
Mars & the moon both have rovers/robots on them & have had them for many years now. why not a walking flying AI robot!?

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