In-Between Us

1 year ago

In-Between Us
Yes, Our God stands in-between us and our enemy. God’s got us. God stands in front of our enemy protecting us, and providing for us strength, wisdom, hope, and peace as we grow through the storms of this chaotic culture we find ourselves having to navigate our lives through.

Our God is stately, honorable, trustworthy, powerful, and faithful to us and our families. Even if the enemy comes in like a flood, our God raises up a standard of truth against our enemy, and holds back the tide of desire to kill, steal and destroy us.

In-between us and our enemy stands a King, His name is Jesus. He is our rock of safety, a powerful defense, and our strong tower. Our society is broken by the pounding waves of deception, wickedness, evil and the enemy of our soul using people serving no power higher than self gain. The consequences of their sins bear heavily upon us, yet God’s Word still stands, God’s Will for us, still stands. Our God has not abdicated His authority to evil. The enemy wants to steal, destroy, and kill us, but God says NO! NO! STOP! You can only go this far and He stands in-between us.

God’s ways are higher than our ways and we can’t even begin to wrap our minds around what He is doing in the unseen. We need to patiently endure knowing that God’s Providential Care is in play, His purposes for our good and for His glory are being worked out in the unseen. God is standing in-between us and our enemy, and as we sway in the breezes of our enemy, as he stirs up the whirlwinds trying to trick us to us to step into them, we can choose that or we can lean out of the mischief of our enemy and lean into God’s Sovereign sway, moving with the wind of The Holy Spirit.

Those that choose to step into the whirlwinds of the enemy, their souls are beat to death by the enemies compassionless pounding. Stay behind the Lord God, in followship of Him, the way will be rough, but He will continue to stand in-between us and the enemies desire for us and He will make a way for us when there seems to be no way and work things out for us in ways we could not even begin to hope for or imagine, a way where everything works out in the end for our good and for His great glory.

So if everything you know is shaking all around you as the enemy pounds sand, do not fear, God stands in-between the enemies plan to kill, steal and destroy and He says to the enemy: “STOP right there, you have no more permission to go another step, you have no more permission to speak into these lives. I AM, Their Way, Their Truth And Their Life!” Jesus!

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