Warrior Poet Society Pistol 2 Review - How to Prepare and What to Expect

8 months ago

Ever wonder about taking Pistol 2 with Warrior Poet Society? Is it worth the price? You may have seen pistol 2 on WPSN and now you're wondering what to exepct taking the actual class in person. The goal of this video is to give you a high level overview of Pistol 2 with my feedback on tips for things to work on to prepare you before taking the class. I'll go over at a very high level what you can expect to do in the class, what things were easy or difficult for me, and if I took the class again what I'd do to prepare for the class. Lastly, I'll cover my key takeaways on what I learned and areas that I am looking to improve on.

I hope this video will be helpful to you, if it is, please consider subscribing to the channel. I'll be taking more classes with other instructors over the coming months and you won't want to miss that.

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