Dr Lee Merit Reporting , She's been the forefront of the Covid Agenda. Excellent Summary To Share With Newbies

1 year ago

Dr Lee Merrit is an orthopedic surgeon who also served in the United States Military as a Navy surgeon. Her husband is a Marine Colonel who served in the Pentagon.
She has been in the forefront of the World Depopulation agenda since it began going on four years now folks. Millions of people are dead and millions more are dying soon to be billions. People are dying as their bodies manufacture toxins attacking itself and transmitting/shedding to others and this includes 'self assembling nano-circuitry' connecting to the wifi ! They've been doing it to rats now We the People are the experimental rats.

Remember the goal of the evil globalists eugenics monsters is to reduce the population of the world by 95%!!! If that is not evil and crazy if that is not a
'conspiracy' then what is?
Ukraine biowebs are real and ongoing. 400 million dollars to do gain of function creations, with OUR taxes!
Dr. David Martin proved the jabs ARE bio-weapons with the actual patents.

The motion to dismiss in the Brooke Jackson suit, Pfizer said we are working with the U.S Department of Defense. If man makes something that is worse than anything nature can make- then its a bioweapon!

Listen to her update us on our situation. A very good interview to share especailly with someone just waking up to the terrible truth.

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