Feedback of Ulcerative Colitis Patients - Cured at Planet Ayurveda

1 year ago

Ulcerative Colitis - When New Patients Meet Old-Cured Patients in Dr. Vikram Chauhan's Ayurveda Camp

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This is the testimonial of Ulcerative Colitis patients who met with Dr. Vikram Chauhan in the #Ahmedabad Ayurveda Health Camp held on January 21, 2024. In this video there is one of the cured patients and other patients visited for the first time or some for the second time. Dr. Priyank #PhD is the cured patient in this testimonial who shared his whole journey of #treatment with the new patients or ongoing patients.
Ulcerative Colitis is one of the #Autoimmune #Disorders which is said to be an incurable disease as per modern medical science. In this disease the immune cells started attacking the cells of the intestines which leads to #inflammation in the intestines. If we continue with the same diet and lifestyle that is responsible for the condition it further leads to ulcerations. These ulcerations start bleeding and pus discharge starts from them. Patients have to go for passing motion frequently and they experience blood, mucus, cramps in abdomen, etc.
There are different types of Colitis such as #Proctitis, #Pancolitis, #Sigmoditis, Left Sided Colitis. In Ayurveda, we can correlate Inflammatory Bowel disorder with “Grahni”. It is a disease of ‘Purishavaha Srotas’ and it is correlated with ‘Raktiatisara’ and in the advanced stage with ‘Pittatisara’. Here in Planet Ayurveda, we treat the disease from its root cause with pure herbs such as Kutaj, Arjuna, Bael, and many more without causing any side effect on the body.

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