Discussing Pocket Money with Special Guest, Daniel (#429)

1 year ago

Welcome to episode 429 of Learn Polish Podcast! Find all our episodes on our official website, learnpolishpodcast.com. Learn more about me, my six podcasts and my coaching via the 'Podcaster' link https://bio.link/podcaster. In this episode, I have a special guest, my son, Daniel.

Our topic of discussion for today is pocket money. We talk about various activities that can justify pocket money, like helping parents, cleaning one's room, taking out the rubbish and hanging clothes in the closet. We also bring up the topic of schoolwork and the importance of a balance between studies and free time, as seen in the Finnish school system!

Listen in as we exchange views and have a light-hearted discussion about these everyday topics. Graphic aids related to this episode are available on Bitchute, YouTube, Rumble, and our Facebook page.

Leave us a thumbs up or a five-star rating if you appreciated this episode with my son, Daniel. Listen in next week for more! Thank you!

Words used

Pomagam moim rodzicom.
Sprzątam swój pokój
wyjdź z moim zadaniem.
Wynoszę śmieci.
Wkładam ubrania do szafy.
Odrabiam lekcje.
Jestem grzeczny.
Mam dobre oceny w szkole.

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