idiot wind is right

1 year ago

come back vortex!
setting you on the crock pot was obviously not a good idea
my pipes were very clogged, now not so much thank God, i dunno what happened but i am grateful
i do not have the $ to fix it right now, too much else to worry about w/ my car in the shop
i will do what i have to do to keep that mini cooper cos it's such a nice car
a terrible driver w/out ice so...
i don't wanna end up in the same situation again
take care of stuff when you can take care of stuff or else
i woulda already had a rental car had i taken care of my license when i shoulda done it
i had to get me a "cigarette"
since i've been a dishwasher at various jobs for quite some time
i will not let shit pile up, my work ethic seems to be the opposite of what i allow in my regular ass life however
the older that you get the more you figure out
you don't have to have MY standards but at least have SOME kinda standards
should people that make bad decisions get govt $ or free housing?
w/out self-awareness you won't have empathy
why would i take people's opinions seriously when they don't have self-awareness
i don't have to be ugly to anyone n that is foolish for people to feel entitled to mistreating people for whatever reason
think about how much we deserve but God still forgives us
it's a wonder that you still know how to breathe...exactly
how are we holding ourselves hostage by a particular idea of who we are...i ask myself this question often
if i was supposed to be a different person it probably woulda already happened but you never know
when i turned 30 i accepted what i knew as a child
i'd rather be in this position even if it appears to be a cope (it always will cos it always is in some kinda way)
as long as you're happy w/ yer decisions MOST of the time you made the right one

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