Ark -> Arc of the Covenant rebuilt. The Twin (Electrical) Flame at the Cherubim

1 year ago

vDarkness Falls
Ark -> Arc of the Covenant rebuilt.
The Twin (Electrical) Flame at the Cherubim

The Arc of the Covenant was a Di-Electric (Electro-Static) capacitor & operated in the same fashion as Nikola Tesla's Electro-Static Wardenclyffe Tower that harnessed the etheric (static electricity) that's all around us.

Pay very close attention at 1:45 to the square copper plates that act as ELECTRO-STATIC insulators & reflectors at the bottom of the Arc box. Keep that checkerboard pattern in your mind as you study the graphic they use at 2:13. Do you SEE the Masonic Pillars and the (Electro-Static) checkerboard flooring?

Ether (Static Electricity) / Light / Magnetism = The BIOLOGY of nature that we're embedded in is thus the BIOLOGY of our body.

There's an Electro-Static Lightning storm going off in your brain every millisecond that governs all of your Electrical senses. Dismissing that fact as "New Age" is follosh as that fact unites each and every person across all of the diverse belief systems amongst the lands.

True metaphysical occulted (hidden) biology of nature is Babylon's foundation in which their entire empire is built upon. Their symbolism represents God's metaphysical elements of creation and that knowledge hidden in symbolism was STOLEN from our ancient ancestors who used the same symbols to denote energy manifestation & propagation in the universe. The symbols were stolen, the knowledge was burried and they then perverted the symbols to get us to fear them.

⚡ϕ 🧲
12:24 PM · Jan 28, 2024

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