What’s Behind Biden’s Border Con

1 year ago

What’s Behind Biden’s Border Con

This is an Obama attempt to seize power. Numerous elements were laid out early on. Don’t forget one of the most frequent visitors to the Obama White House back when it was known as The Crib was none other than George Soros. He has grown rich tanking economies and wrecking countries. Putin declared him an economic terrorist with reason. The exploding trans movement has its roots in Obamacare. In the next video I’ll be discussing 1968 because that’s the pattern Obama is trying to emulate. The riots we saw here also appeared as Obama went underground after Hillary lost. He vanished for a while. There will be riots in Chicago again and it will be the illegals Obama has convinced Biden to allow in. Biden is a shell the warped psyche behind him can only be Obama and that’s because of the obvious continuation of his policies. Then there was also that Steve Colbert moment where Barak said he’d love to run the country from his basement in his sweats. That statement was made on November 30, 2020. You can see it right here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gnf9T_X3LfA

Ukraine on Fire By Oliver Stone

The Hot Zone With Chuck Holton
Episode 790 - Building Bridges in the Darien

These guys traveled the Darian Gap took the train of death and were kidnapped by a cartel.

This is an excellent expose of what goes on with both sides of the border. It also has some interesting discussions regarding politicians on both sides as well.

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