Yes, The Atari 7800 Could Do Better - Comparing Two Ports Of Mario Bros.

11 months ago

Back in 1988, Atari released ports of Mario Bros., Donkey Kong, and Donkey Kong Jr. to both the Atari 2600 &7800 systems. They were licensed ports and the 2600 versions were commendable for what they were but on the 7800, they were subpar (or rather, total crap).

Recently, a coder going by the name of Old Style released a new beta of his WIP port of Mario Bros. and as you'll see here, what the 7800 is capable of is far more impressive than what Atari crapped out back in the 80s. Which is sad, but yet another testament to what happens when you decide to cheap out instead of spending a little more to give customers what they want.

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