Obnoxious Climate Radicals Attack The Mona Lisa Painting In The Louvre Museum, Paris

1 year ago

Obnoxious people are just part of life. We encounter them every single day, even at church. We submit to you that there are NO individuals who are more obnoxious than the 'Climate Cult'. Climate cultists make seeing them in the image of God really hard. They do really stupid things like cementing their hands to floors, trying to ruin precious artwork, and blocking the road when you are just trying to get to work. Nobody wants to breathe dirty air and drink dirty water. Nobody wants to destroy the planet. Climate cultists just go beyond the limits of acceptable behavior and they just pretend they are fighting for those things.

A big trend in climate cowardice is the throwing of soup on fine art to bring attention to their cause. The latest soup stunt took place in Paris France at the Louvre where they threw soup on THE MONA LISA! Thankfully the Louvre has at least a few smart people in charge and the painting was protected by bulletproof glass and there was no lasting damage done to the piece. The eco-dorks who did this were reported to be with a conglomerate of other nutters who call themselves 'Riposte Alimentaire' as one of the protestors had it written on their shirt. Most people seem to be over the soup nazis as much as we are.

• More at: Twitchy - OVER IT: Obnoxious Climate Radicals Try to Make Mona Lisa Soup

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