Who Kidnapped the Jewish State

8 months ago

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0:00:52 The way of God by R. Luzzatto - series
0:02:07 brilliant people have their own language - Vilna Gaon, R. Ben Zion Abba Shaul
0:08:37 parsha Mishpatim was recited 1st at Mount Sinai
0:13:13 Chafetz Chaim, how to gain life?
0:15:07 the importance of the Torah laws
0:20:57 brand name merchandise $2k in NY, $200 elsewhere
0:25:51 bargains in Turkey
0:30:30 evil monsters of Supreme Court are against Israel
0:40:47 why many people believe in God but claim they don't?
0:41:53 the Satan is losing half of his army in Israel
0:44:15 lefties begged Europians to choke Israel
0:49:18 im-naval tit-naval - with a villain one became a villain
0:51:27 who is a crook? poison was put in a drink
0:54:53 the owner of the pit is not responsible to pay
0:55:07 R. Avraham Grodzinski
0:55:40 1.5B people believe the illiterate fake prophet
0:57:02 result of no prophets = suffering
0:59:01 what organ of your body got hurt? check:
mouth = do you curse? eat non kosher food? gossip?
ears = do you listen to gossip? goyish songs? dirty language?
stomach = do you kosher your greens to avoid eating worms?
heartattack = do you overeat? watch your cholesterol?
1:06:09 why did God make people gain weight so fast?
1:07:04 Ben Ish Chay re ABSTINANCE: is like bringing a sacrifice to Bet Hamikdash
1:09:53 God punishes measure for measure
legs hurt = did you go to the game/beach?
1:11:42 the agenda of the wicked people
1:15:05 complimenting gays 500 years in Hell
1:17:14 fools get off the right path and will hold God accountable
1:22:47 Ramban describes what happens in Hell
1:24:28 politicians, organiser of gay parades, liar bloggers, liberal traders
1:27:21 why did the US$ rise from 7-8% in a week, NIS collapse?
1:27:52 lefties begged UN to stop changes to Israel's justice system
1:28:33 the WAR of SURVIVAL of ISRAEL is on now
1:29:01 ALIYA ISSUES TODAY: religious Jews must wait year(s) to move to Israel while gays, arabs, ukrainians are allowed in within days/weeks
1:32:41 Israeli lefties:
-murder babies
-donate Israeli tax payers money to arabs
-flood Israel with goyim hoping to kill Judaism
-let Jewish soldiers be killed because worried about the life of the terrorists
-stop the blowing up of the arab's house who killed 6 Israelis at the bus stop
-they hate everything Jewish
1:32:41 the PURPOSE of the UNITED NATION
1:36:13 think-search-investigate-repent
1:42:43 in which order to recover one's losses?
1:47:28 Yefet Sharabi, the Yemenite Jew, hot peppers, nargila
1:49:44 the completely different world a few years ago
1:50:25 list of excuses to ditch Torah study
1:52:43 what do the Texas goyim think about the Jews today?
1:53:59 why will the wealthy Jews be punished the hardest?
1:55:24 what's wrong with the "ANI TZADDIK" slogen?
2:00:29 the wedding of Meital and Mahmood
2:03:07 the gay wedding circus and the modern orthodox clowns
Torah and Science - The Film by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi
2:10:10 how can you IMPROVE the QUALITY of YOUR LIFE?
2:13:02 does knowledge takes away free choice?
2:15:40 what if after years of learning the person still isn't convinced?
2:20:59 ETERNAL INVESTMENT that earns residual income
2:23:26 God rewards according to the outcome (משלם לאדם כפרי מעלליו

Who Kidnapped the Jewish State

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