UN court ICJ ruling ignored as the killing continues. Border crisis continues. China #1 in CARS!

8 months ago

UN court ICJ ruling ignored by #Israel as the #Genocide killing of #PalestinianGenocide #palestiniens continues in #Gaza. The #Western nations, #UnitedStates and others went so far are to cut off humanitarian aid in retaliation to the courts decision making them now complicit in this massacre. Where are the #American people against this #Democrat and #NeoCon perpetrated nightmare on humanity?

As the #texasbordercrisis comes to a show down between the #BidenBorderInvasion and the states we now have 10 million illegal immigrants, many fighting young men, to deal with. Why do the #Democrats want this? If they continue to live in the U.S. they have to know that this is very bad for them.

Florida sends it State Guard to Texas to help and other states are joining in. My question where is DEEP RED North Carolina? Are they all RINOS?

As the back firing sanctions continue China has become the #1 manufacturer and exporter of cars. Have you heard about this in the new? This as the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline by the U.S. de-industrialized #Germany at their request. How insane is that? Germany's car industry is collapsing.

Trump ordered to pay 85 million for an impossible rape (defamation) in New York from something that did not happen back in 1996? Has the judicial system and Democrats gone crazy?

Putin gives speech on 27 January 1945, Auschwitz concentration camp—a Nazi concentration camp and extermination camp in occupied Poland where more than a million people were murdered as part of the Nazis' "Final Solution" to the Jewish question—was liberated by the Soviet Red Army during the Vistula–Oder Offensive. History the world seems to ignore in their West hatred of the #Russians. Amazing how #Israel wants to support #Nazism in #Ukraine and exterminate their neighbors.

Israel seems poised to attack and Lebanon and the U.S. to bomb #Iran after 3 dead U.S. soldiers in #Syria. Regional war is likely in the #MiddleEast.

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