X22 Report Ep. 3269b-Trump Says There Is A 100% Chance Of A Terror Attack,[DS] Will Be Tried...

8 months ago

X22 Report Political/GeoPolitical News Ep. 3269b - Jan. 28, 2024
Trump Says There Is A 100% Chance Of A Terror Attack,[DS] Will Be Tried At The Ballot Box

The [DS] is now struggling, everything they have tried has failed, Trump is not leaving and the indictments are not working. Actually the opposite is happening, the people see who the the destroyers really are. Trump warns that there is a terrorist attack headed our way. During 2024 the events will intensify and the people will become more awake. In the end the people will try the [DS] at the ballot box. Everything we are witnessing is the trial.

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All source links to the report can be found on the www.x22report.com site.

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